Good morning lovely people, Today is day one of the move (see - TopicsExpress


Good morning lovely people, Today is day one of the move (see previous post) so I thought I would update you a little on the house and my heart. The DoJo - we ARE making progress. It is overwhelming to see what is left to be done, but slowly and surely we are getting there. The test the moisture in the house and beams man came by early this week and deemed our house DRY. How about that? Well, dry except one spot and that story is below. The cement man has laid rebar throughout the house and will be pouring a clean floor on Monday. This clean floor will not be stained (an additional $3500 - so we passed) but a beautiful natural concrete color. Norma Jeanne Maloney assures me that the grey will go with any wall colors and I have to believe her because, well, she is Norma Jeanne and no one picks colors, matches colors or understands colors like she does. JR (how much do I love this man?) has completed about half of the new electrical work and continues to make progress there. He also found a LEAK in the copper pipes in our bathroom and remedied. How about that for luck? We had rotten boards and wet cement and now this is fixed. We have received one quote for the windows and I am working on a second and the HVAC system is set to go in at some point next week. So we will have HEAT and AC. That is exciting. After all of these things are complete we are moving on to SHEETROCK. Woohoo. If that sounds exciting to you, let me know and yall can come insulate and hang sheetrock. We are going to leave the taping and floating up to the pros, but I am seriously considering having a sheetrockin party. Itll Rock like Slayer. After sheetrock - I think we will be about half finished. Whew. The DoJo funding - Well, I hate to admit it, but I had a bit of a cry on the phone with the FEMA check issuing lady yesterday. I know I have already mentioned that once we receive a check, we have at least five business days before we see any funds. I called FEMA yesterday (at Mary Mauldins insistence, Thanks, Mom) and after two grouchy ladies, I finally got to the claim lady. She reported that my claim wasnt filed until the 12th. This was interesting as my adjuster filed it on the 6th. Well, I just lost it. We are nearing the end of our cash reserves and donations and I just dont want to stop the progress. I know, it may be inevitable, but I like to see forward movement and geez, when she told me that she would have an update next week, I lost it. My mom was sitting next to me and she reports that I went from strong, corporate lady to desperate mother in about five seconds - complete with soft, wavering voice and sniffing. The nice claims lady must have heard it in my voice that I was just done and decided to push my claim through today...with a check sent no later than Monday. and we hung up. In about an hour she called to tell me my claim was complete and check would be in the mail Monday. That means that we can keep going for a week to a week and a half with our current cash flow. Trying to do this without going into debt to anyone or anybank OR dipping into the small amount we have set aside for Rubys college start has been a challenge. We will do it though. Yeppers. I dont want to make a natural disaster into a lifetime financial set back. Dawnas head and heart - Final topic of the morning. I am a little bit broken or perhaps a little bit different. At work last week, while someone was trying to explain the state of a contract (taking forever and being politically correct) I firmly stated, I almost died, I dont have time for the bullshit, here is current state and next steps. I also interrupted a colleague during a 30 minute conference call about four times. I just didnt have time or patience for finger pointing and non productive conversation. Although many of my direct reports are enjoying this new/different/broken Dawna (Barbara Slattery DeBose calls her mean ;) Dawna,) I have to watch that my fragile emotions dont become an issue and work to treat everyone with love and respect. Sheesh. Being a grown up is fabulously hard. My heart is healing. I am attempting to stay in each moment and appreciate the moment. I am trying not to be paralyzed by the fear of being broke or failing to move forward at an acceptable pace. Kate Payne and Jo Ann Santangelo brought over a dozen eggs about a gazillion years ago and tucked inside was a little note that read, I do enough, I have enough, I am enough. That is my current mantra. Yall should all say it out loud. It feels great once you start believing it. Okay - Mom and Ned and NoJo are all up and I need to go pack the truck. ITs MOVE IN DAY. Love to you all - you are all enough! Dawna
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 12:10:22 +0000

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