Good morning, today is a day the Lord has made let us rejoice and - TopicsExpress


Good morning, today is a day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it! Have you ever awoke in tears because of something on the inside has got to come out? This for me happens not all the time but often. I have been wrestling with my emotions and my disbelief of recent events in our country. I woke weeping when I dreamed of all that my children are have been, and God willing will become. Then I recalled a saying I learned as a result of my faith as an Eastern Orthodox Christian. Remember Death! In doing that it truly bring life into perspective. I cried with every Father that has lost a son or daughter! When King Herod simply heard that a child was being born that was like no other. He had every male child killed that was two or younger! I cried like any Mother would as she saw them kill her child that she was invited to be a part of His conception and birthing and raising! I weep now as I type because like Stephen prayed when he was being stoned to death Forgive them Father for they know not what they do! Years later the very man that was holding the cloaks and giving approval of those doing the stoning was beaten even though it was illegal to beat a Roman Citizen but they beat him too! For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son....Something to think about in your spiritual mind. I CHALLENGE EVERYONE OF MY CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS TO TAKE THIS MESSAGE AND RE POST. THEN TAKE YOUR BROKEN HEARTS AND SPIRITS TO ANY CHURCH NOT YOUR OWN, NOT WHERE THEY LOOK LIKE YOU, LAY YOUR HEARTS AT THE ALTER AND WEEP FOR OUR COUNTRY, FOR OUR CITIES, FOR ALL OUR LEADERS FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, CITY. FOR OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT, OUR TROOPS. CHANGE AND CHARITY ALWAYS STARTS AT HOME. LETS BEGIN WHERE LOVE IS TO REIGN. A GREAT MAN ONCE SAID THE MOST SEGREGATED PLACE IN AMERICA IS CHURCH ON SUNDAY MORNING. SOME THINGS JUST SHOULDNT BE. I TO AT TIMES STRUGGLE TO LOVE MY NEIGHBOR, YET MY LORD, GOD, AND SAVIOR SAYS I AM TO LOVE THEM AS I LOVE MYSELF. TODAY I RE PURPOSE MY EFFORT. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON OUR SOULS. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT AMEN!!!1 S.L.R.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:00:50 +0000

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