Grampian Hunt sabs report from 8th November 2014: OUR MOST - TopicsExpress


Grampian Hunt sabs report from 8th November 2014: OUR MOST SHOCKING ENCOUNTER YET Finally now we can release the report and footage of what happened on 8/11/14, a day that we have been unable to write a report about until now due to legalities… Report 2 Fife Foxhounds 8 Nov 2014 Ceres Grampian & Perthshire sabs joined forces to tackle the Fife Foxhounds at their kennel meet near Ceres. With the information as to where the meet was we were able with our intel to plan ahead and pre-spray and pre beat the woodland we knew they would draw. It worked perfectly with the hounds going into cry straight from the offset but losing the scent of the fox after running into the wall of citronella in the woods. The hunt left the fox knowing we were there and took off on the run across the fields in an attempt to lose us. (if you’re running you’re not killing, so keep on running). We caught up with the hunt at Muirhead farm, where we were asked an odd question by one of the riders who said she hoped we had had our ‘porridge for breakfast’. As the hunt moved on we were blocked by a support car but sabs simply ran round his car until the sab car squeezed past and joined up with the others. The hunt continued to run from the sabs and headed towards Clatto Reservior under the watch of the sabs again. The hunt then started to head back to the meet and had guns in the fields ready to shoot any foxes, but sabs quickly joined them to make them break their guns. So the hunt took off again back to the village of Ceres and were met once again by waiting sabs who were ahead of the hunt. As the hunt pretended to finish the day by heading into the kennels, alert sabs realised this was a decoy as they started hunting the same wood at the back of kennels where they had chased a fox first thing. With sabs in the areas straight away the guns had to break again much to the annoyance of some riders who decided to use their horses against a lone sab. Here was our first encounter with a man called Iain Dickson who it turns out we would come across many times during future meets. The hunt chased a fox from behind the kennels and chased him/her to ground around one mile South of the kennels. We noticed the hunt standing around which was odd, and were soon alerted by Perth sabs as to what was going on. We joined them in a thick wooded area where unfortunately we were too late… the wood was so dense that we could not see exactly where the men were straight away but they refused to break their guns even though we were very close. As we came around a tree and caught sight of them we saw terriermen, the hunt master and the whipper-in around a badger hole where a fox was being ‘flushed’ by a terrier – which was biting at his/her face. The whipper-in pulled the fox from the hole by the tail causing the end of his/her tail to rip off, with terrier still on his/her face. During all this the fox was alive. The gunman shot the fox as the whipper-in Philip Durno held him/her between his legs, standing on his/her throat and choking him/her….thrown onto the ground the fox appeared to move (see video) though it is difficult to tell if this was because s/he was still alive, though s/he does appear in the video to react to having his/her tail trod on by the whipper-in…the hounds then appeared and pulled the fox to shreds…as we left the woodland the police appeared and spoke to us all, and Iain Dickson seemed to find the whole thing rather funny….in the weeks after this event the police informed us that the SSPCA who saw our footage said the video was ‘harsh’ but that nothing illegal took place. Thanks to the SSPCA who didn’t seem too fussed about the whole thing nothing was done about this event. Keep an eye out for some of the footage that will be posted later this evening. The rest of the footage of the day, including the movement of the fox after being shot, is still to be edited.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:03:04 +0000

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