Gratitude... In Philippians 4:3-6 states the, Rejoice in the Lord - TopicsExpress


Gratitude... In Philippians 4:3-6 states the, Rejoice in the Lord always, delight in, gladden, ourselves in God; agian i say, REJOICE! Let all men know & perceive & recognize yoyr unselfishness ur considerateness, ur forbearing spirit. Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance & in everything, by pray & petition definite requests with thanksgivin, continue to make ur wants known to God.What i can take away from this powerful word of god is this. We all should and need to develop a attitude of GRATITUDE. I am not saying that we should live in a pretend state of mind that nothing negative exists in our natural relam. What i am saying to you is simply this, make it our goals as men and women in God to be as positive as we possibly can. Having a positive approach amazingly opens the door for God to move in and through our lives. As you sit there preparing to close an other day pnder this...... ponder everyting that have to be truly thankful for. When you wake in the morning, thank God for everything... from waking up with out he alarm, having exactly what u wanted in the fridge for breakfast, to the lack of traffic & the conveinent parking place, the fact that you are able to walk, to see, to hear, to smell, to look at ur children family & friends. Do yourself a favor & trust in the Lord. Dont become discouraged w anything including yourself if & when you happen to fall short, and more importantly DONT QUIT! Keep at it until u have developed the new habits God desires you to have & you want to have.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:49:23 +0000

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