Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with a humbled heart that we unite together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the rising of Grandfather Sun that brings warmth and the lighting of our paths. We thank you for the morning mists as they provide growth to the many herbs and plants. We thank you for the rushing waters that flow from the mountaintops to the lakes and oceans below. We thank you for the rains that come to areas in need. We thank you for Grandmother Moon as she watches over us throughout the night. We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing. We thank you for the knowledge that Mother Earth has the ability to heal if we allow her time. We ask for a growing spiritual revival that will soften even the hardest of hearts. We ask for eyes to open that have been closed for too long. May the veils of secrecy in all levels of government, corporations and clubs be lifted for all to see. We ask for spirits to awaken that have been dormant for many years. Let us begin a life where no man is greater than the next, and where nothing is done without the knowledge of your people. We ask for protection, strength and great stamina for those that stand against the evil that continues to destroy your lands, animals and cultures. We ask for our voices to be heard throughout the four corners where we can begin to teach those that are willing, your ways and the tasks you have given us. We ask for an end to the hatred that has permeated throughout our society and bring peace to a land where we are suffering. We ask for true equality for all four colors, where we are no longer controlled by greed or materialistic lust. We ask for an era of peace, where we can once again unlock our doors without fear. We ask for an end to the man-made poisons that man has created in the name of science and begin to rely upon the herbs and plants you have already created for us. We ask for the return of our children that have been abducted. We ask for protection for our women and children that are suffering through violence and abuse. We ask for your forgiveness when we stray, and your blessing when we have not. We ask for your healing hands to be placed on those that are suffering through diverse diseases, disorders and ailments. We ask for protection for those that are being stalked and a change of mindset and evil intent on those that stalk. We ask for the time of prophesy where we are able to protect the animals; replenish the land; and clean the air, land and waters. We ask for comfort for those that have lost loved ones and grant them understanding that they now are with them to watch over them. We thank you for our Elders that continue to instruct us and give us the wisdom of the ancients. We thank you for our children that remind us of innocence and lessons long forgotten. We thank you for our relations that may come to us for a short time to provide us with insight when it is needed. We thank you for all four-leggeds, two-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers. We thank you for the wisdom found in our hearts. May it continue to grow as we move further along our path. Emenv
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 08:01:02 +0000

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