Great points by Dr. Munazza Imran, on how to improve Educational - TopicsExpress


Great points by Dr. Munazza Imran, on how to improve Educational System in Pakistan and how to start NATION building.. Please read, its a LONG post but all points are worth pondering.. Im no educationist but I can put forth my suggestions as a citizen ( that too lesser citizen as Im overseas ) . Like I said before its a v complicated and multilayered issue with no easy solutions . As everything is interconnected . Education sector cannot be fixed in isolation , things around it need to be fixed before anything can be achieved .i can simply suggest a few things 1) improvement does begin with I . So regardless of what else is happening , do the best you can in your personal capacity . A) raise your voice B) have group discussions C) support education for as many children as can financially D) teach as many kids as u can E) take keen interest in your own childrens education .... Dont leave to tutors and teachers only . Pls make sure your children are getting taaleem o tarbiyaat to make them into conscientious and responsible citizens of the country and world at large . F) understand and emphasize the fact that education is not just the curriculum ...encourage children to think outside the box . Actually encourage them to just think !!! G) encourage extra curricular activities in schools and on personal level H) encourage arts and culture I) discourage gender bias from the start J) discourage all sorts of prejudices H) teach them from the start that religion is each individual s own business . All religions are to be respected .and religion doesnt make u better or superior to anyone else ... Your actions do . K) instill national pride ... But for the right reasons . L) teach them to be human first and anything else later . M) instill civic sense Etc etc I can go on forever but you get the picture 2) be an active citizen . A)Push your local body representatives to improve situation in your area . Make them realize their election friends in it ...that its a priority . B) keep an eye on the schools in your area . Visit when you can . Talk to the student and their parents . Pass this information on to those concerned who can fix things . C) involve more people in your project Etc 3) use the power Of the media A) by discussing the issues B) for making your efforts transparent and to reach a larger audience C) name & shame Let those In charge know that their efforts or lack thereof will be seen in print . 4) There should be a crack down on all the substandard schools and tuition academies . A REAL standard should be set for a school or academy to be opened and even then it should need to pass constant evaluation for at least one year before its given certification . 5) ALL curricula should be revised and revamped 6) all religious schools and madrasah curricula should be scrutinized and approved and kept under strict supervision 7) the huge gap between the level of private and public schooling should be narrowed down and eventually abolished 8) scholarships should be given to deserving students. More scholarships should be introduced in fields of sports , arts , literature , etc . 9 )Each profession should have an equal amount of respect ...not just doctors and engineers or accountants etc 10) introduce more inter school , inter city , inter province educational competitions . 11)each election. Make education a priority ..... Those who fail to deliver on their promises should be made to pay . 12) CHANGE THE MNDSET There is no magic wand that can be waved and voila ppl have a change of heart . But all if the above plus a constant conscious effort to make it right can make a difference eventually . 12) Reward positive achievements . As that say A nation that doesnt celebrate its heroes , stops producing them . Every little achievement should be praised and rewarded. Wether it be in education , sports , Art , literature , etc 13) practical knowledge is as important as bookish knowledge , if not more . And there is almost total lack of it . Introduce camps , incursions , excursions . 14) FEUDAL system must b abolished . In the absence of this all else will fail anyway . As those who need it most ( our rural population) will not be allowed to achieve anything . 15) VIP culture must go . All citizens should be equal. No special privileges . 16) accountability at all levels ..,starting with the politicians 17) justice for all and rule of law . Free judiciary . 18) also on education front , All the NGOs and charity organizations should be subject to regular audit and the results published publicly . 19)teams of internationally respected should be invited to assess and analyze the situation and put forward recommendations as to how improvements can be made and then sustained . And if its done, then they should have a yearly revision of the progress made . 20) introduce a culture of positivity and encouragement . While a degree of cynicism is a must for making progress , constantly running oneself or ones country sets you up for a low self esteem and nothing else . Be positive . Believe that change for better is possible and you can make a difference . 21) change the SYSTEM ... Stop waiting for a miracle !! The system is not going to change itself or be changed miraculously one day . YOU must change it by doing no wrong yourself . The mentality of , everyone is doing it so what difference does it make if I dont must go . Think !!!! If each one of us keeps doing it , thats what maintains the status quo. On the other hand if each on of us decides to do the right thing ....the System Judy might change . Like i said , I can go on forever and ever . But this is just a brief glimpse into the Possibilities .
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 06:27:47 +0000

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