Greek Lore.... The Story of Echo and Narcissus.. One day on - TopicsExpress


Greek Lore.... The Story of Echo and Narcissus.. One day on Mt Olympus Hera and some other goddesses where hunting. Along with them came Echo. The Goddesses were trying to hunt but echo would get impatient and talk. Keeping all the Divine Dear(cows) away. Hera became upset and told Echo to quiet herself. Echo could not do it, she had to have the last word. This enraged Hera so she banished Echo from Mt Olympus and cursed her, If you wish to have the last word, I will give it to you! The curse made echo have to repeat whatever anyone says. So Echo walked the Earth and was sad. One day she came upon Narcissus he was beautiful to her. He was a young man in his prime and was very good looking and he knew it. It made his ego swell with pride. She fell in love, upon approach Narcissus thought she was Beautiful as well. But when he went to speak to her, she would just repeat everything he said. Although she couldnt speak to him, she followed him everywhere he went and one day, he cracked. He yelled the worse things imaginable not caring for her feelings one bit, as he didnt care about her at all. As the words crushed her soul and smashed her heart to pieces, she had to repeat each and every cruel word until she walked away destroyed. As she walked away she looked back at him and he turned his back, so he didnt even have to see her. Although she could only speak, what others have already said, she prayed to Hera in her mind. Hera I am sorry for what I have done and I am willing to accept my penalty but the viciousness of this man makes me wish to kill myself, I wish for a boon, that the next person he sees he falls in love with as I have and that his love be every bit unobtainable. Hera took pity and gave her boon and echo walked off into the woods for ever. If you listen she is still there today repeating everything everyone says... SO back to Narcissus.... He was relieved to be free of this troublesome girl. He went to the RIVER to take a drink but before he could, he saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Wishing to posses it he went to touch it but as soon as his hand touched the water it blurred his reflection and he couldnt see his love. So after many tries he gave up In frustration. He sat there and just looked at himself. He sat there so long he grew roots and became a flower. If you go to the river today, you will see him there. As a flower leaning over the river. Still looking at Himself in the mirror This is the story of Echo and Narcissus....
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 17:21:06 +0000

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