Green juice is one of the most nutritious juices you can - TopicsExpress


Green juice is one of the most nutritious juices you can make. Green juice containing kale, wheatgrass, spinach, and other green produce is nothing new. In fact the popularity of juicing is reaching a much greater audience with people who are interested in how to get the needed vitamins and minerals which are so lacking in our diets, into our daily diet. Green juice will increase the benefits of eating raw foods. When juicing, it is important to use organic products that contain no chemical pesticides, fertilizers or herbicides as often as possible. It is also important to wash produce thoroughly to remove any toxins that may have been carried to the fruit on the air. Eating large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables is very helpful for the immune system and the body as a whole. Wheatgrass, along with granola used to be related to hippy and fanatical health nuts. Recently though, studies have shown us the health benefits of this kind of diet. The popularity of raw eating has crept into the mainstream with word spreading to more and more people. The organic green leafy produce contains chlorophyll which has been shown to help the health of red blood cells, cleanse the body, speed healing and maintain or, even improving all types of medical disorders. Wheatgrass is normally found in the form of powder, but this processed form is not as rich in nutrients as the fresh grown and juiced wheat grass. When added to other green vegetables this green juice provides over 90 minerals and vitamins. Green juice can really make a difference in your overall well being. Kale is a leafy green often overlooked in the grocers vegetable section and there isn’t much call for it, but this super green plant can add some amazing power to your day in the form of juice. All plants loose nutrients after they are harvested, so it’s important to use them while they are fresh. Kale is considered a chard and should be eaten while fresh to benefit from the minerals and nutrients it contains, before they are lost. This zero calorie food is nutritionally dense, providing a load of antioxidants and helps to fight a variety of cancers as well. The fiber in kale helps to lower cholesterol and provides abundant vitamins K, A, and C as well as Iron and other valuable micro nutrients that are needed to help cleanse the blood and immune system. Caution: Kale is high in Vitamin K which can cause problems in people taking anti-coagulants and in patients with thyroid problems. Another possible side effect of ingesting large quantities of kale is , stomach problems, diarrhea, and gas. These types of problems usually occur when large amounts of kale are eaten. If cutting back on the quantity of kale ingested does not help then try to limit the amount of kale eaten and possibly used it in the form of juice rather than smoothies which contain more of the fiber likely to cause digestion problems. Green juice is made from a combination of different green vegetables and/or wheatgrass. This gives greater health benefits and the juice form causes rapid absorption of vitamins and nutrients to help boost health, energy and prevent against the free radicals that exist in the body. I like adding an apple, lime, mint leaves and/or a kiwi to improve the falavor.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 09:54:49 +0000

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