Greenpeace strikes again with ‘Glacier Republic’!: This time - TopicsExpress


Greenpeace strikes again with ‘Glacier Republic’!: This time they have unleashed their escapades on the South American Republic of Chile. As their Chilean branch reports, Greenpeace has just founded a brand new ‘republic’ inside Chile’s territory, which they have decided to call ‘Glacier Republic’. Yet another illegitimate attack on national sovereignty, always hiding behind its allegedly noble intentions of “protecting the environment.” Polar wars In an article published on RT on December 19, 2013, we described some of the less reported behind-the-scenes geopolitical aspects referring to the Arctic Warrior affair. Readers will remember that things did not go quite well for Greenpeace because the Russian government’s reaction was balanced and legal under international law and focused on enforcing Russia’s sovereign rights: they immediately arrested the vessel and its crew of 30 eco-militants accusing them of piracy. Three months later, however, and right before Christmas 2013 Russia set them all free, allowing them to go back home. It seems Greenpeace’s mischief planning team - always allied to British and US global geopolitical objectives and interests - has now come up with another little surprise. Only this time it’s not making SWAT-like attacks on an off-shore oil rig. Rather, it’s doubled its bet by attacking the very concept of national sovereignty – a permanent priority of the UK-US-led Global Power Masters – by announcing that it’s founded…. a totally new ‘sovereign nation’ inside the territory of Chile! ‘Glacier Republic’ The Chilean people found out about this on March 5, when this militant lobbying organization informed on its website that “…today we have given birth to a new country in territory not recognized by Chile thanks to a legal loophole. ‘Glacier Republic’ is the name of this new nation.” In a full-page ad published in The New York Times that same day, Greenpeace explained that “these glaciers do not belong to the State, nor to the Chileans; these glaciers belong to nobody.” Its headline title read: “Birth of an Ice Nation: Greenpeace declares the Glacier Republic in Chile.” In this way, Greenpeace tried to justify their usurping, insolent, illegal and criminal actions of attacking the national sovereignty of the Republic of Chile. “…in Chile there is a legal loophole that does not recognize these huge ice masses as part of its sovereignty. Neither the Constitution, nor the water code mention glaciers as public goods that need to be protected actively,” explained Matías Asún, Greenpeace director for Chile. Greenpeace says that their militants have planted flags in the ice of Chile’s glaciers, explaining that the country amounts to around 23,000 km², which constitutes 82 percent of the entire glacial mass of South America. All of this happened just a few days before Chilean President Michelle Bachelet was inaugurated for a second term in office. In order to ensure the message got through loud and clear, on March 13 Greenpeace’s Spanish-language website issued a new bulletin saying that “this morning a diplomatic mission from Glacier Republic went to the Moneda Presidential Palace [in Santiago] to present its credentials to the President of Chile. We visited the Palacio de la Moneda, representing almost 40.000 citizens of Glacier Republic.” Argentina This so-called “diplomatic” delegation from “Glacier Republic” also stopped by the embassy of the neighboring Republic of Argentina, to submit their “credentials” there as well. In truth, one cannot not expect anything less from UK lobbyists Greenpeace, considering that the entire southern part of South America, shared by Chile and Argentina - collectively known as Patagonia – is immensely rich in natural resources and thus very high on Britain’s, America’s and Israel’s territorial takeover priority list. The elites’ agenda has put its eye on Patagonia since at least the end of the 19th century. This includes not just Patagonia’s vast land mass – glaciers and all – but, just as important, its huge geostrategic zone of influence lying on both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, a stone’s throw from Antarctica, and in particular the ‘Sea of Argentina’ as the shallow Atlantic Ocean continental shelf is called. Here lie the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, usurped by Britain over 180 years ago and over which Argentina and the UK fought a brief war in 1982. After winning that war, Britain built a strong nuclear military presence. It is thus no surprise that Greenpeace should have chosen the New York Times as its high-profile global mainstream media spokesman to announce the birth of its bastard Glacier Republic. When Argentina was in the throes of its blackest economic, financial, political and social crisis in modern history and defaulted on its public debt, the New York Times promptly published an article whose title said it all: “Some in Argentina see secession as the answer to economic peril”, recommending that five Patagonian provinces should secede from the rest of Argentina. The crisis that hit Argentina at the end of 2001 was for the most part orchestrated by then-President Fernando de la Rúa and Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo to benefit global banksters. Both are members of the global One-World think-tank network, always bent on imposing World Government upon mankind. De la Rúa is a founding member of the local CARI - Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales - which in practice operates as local branch for the powerful New York-based Council on Foreign Relations; whilst Cavallo is a member of the Trilateral Commission; both think-tanks are fully aligned with Rockefeller/Rothschild global interests. Like a junk-food combo The brand new Glacier Republic lures its prospective future “citizens” by offering them an attractive “foundational package,” very similar in concept to fast junk food restaurant combos: a sort of geopolitical ‘burger with chips and Coke’. At least that’s what can be gathered from Greenpeace’s website announcement to all of Glacier Republic’s new-born ‘citizens’, who are offered a ‘passport’ that is delivered to their homes; a national ‘flag’ they can fly on their rooftops that carries three pyramid-like triangle symbol - allegedly a symbol for the Andes mountains (or of a coming ‘Andinia’, perhaps?) and blue in color, which is also strange when you consider that Chile’s flag is red, white and blue. Finally, wannabe ‘Glacierians’ are invited to fill in a ‘form’ with their personal data. New ‘Glacierian’ citizens also learn that Glacier Republic just issued its ‘declaration of independence’, and are thus invited to pledge allegiance to their new place-under-the-sun by repeating these solemn words: “I swear to God and to this flag that I will serve my fatherland, the Glacier Republic, at sea, on land, or anywhere else, offering my very life, if necessary, and to do my duty as an honest, courageous country-loving citizen.” No, don’t laugh: this is literally what their Spanish-language Website says. Glacier Republic has already opened embassies in the 40 countries where Greenpeace have offices; “the idea is to spread a message to the whole world on the need to protect glaciers and generate the necessary power to ensure a glacier protection law is passed in Chile,” said Chile director, Mr. Asún. In addition, on March 12, Greenpeace issued a further bulletin informing that Apostolic Vicar-Bishop of the Chilean town of Aysén, Father Luis Infanti de la Mora, just became a new ‘citizen’ of Glacier Republic, adding that “Bishop Infanti is an active citizens’ rights activist leader who stated that he agreed with the need for Chile to sanction glacier protection legislation, and then swore allegiance to the new republic.” It would no doubt be interesting to hear with the Vatican has to say about one of its priests supporting gross territorial intrusion against the national sovereignty of a country that has deep historical Catholic roots, as is the case of the Republic of Chile. Legal bases In order to justify this latest maneuvering promoting the interests and objectives of the One-World clique, Greenpeace explains that “the founding of Glacier Republic is genuine and is based on the ‘Convention for the Rights and Duties of Nation States’, also known as the ‘Montevideo Convention’, an international treaty signed in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 26th December 1933 during the Seventh International Conference of American States. “Said Convention established the definition of ‘State’, as well as its corresponding rights and duties. The best known conceptual definition was expressed under its Article 1, which established four criteria that are characteristic of a Nation State, that are recognized under international law. “The State is thus an entity under international law that brings together the following necessary characteristics: I. A permanent population; II. A specific territory; III. Government; and IV. The capacity to enter into relationships with other Nation-States.” Thus, as part of its maneuvering against the national sovereignty of Chile, Greenpeace tells the world that “our activists have been inhabiting different glaciers in that country, and we have already proclaimed our founding of it as a sovereign and peaceful republic. Very soon, we shall be opening embassies in Chile and throughout the world, and we are inviting people to become citizens of Glacier Republic.” Taking a cool and pragmatic stance, one can say with little or no doubt that this latest charade by Greenpeace will come to nothing. The same as with Argentina’s Patagonia territory that has not (yet!) seceded from the Argentine Republic, as The New York Times suggested back in August 2002. However, we must keep in mind that the global elites operate on a long-term basis to achieve their goals. This was eloquently explained in an article, ‘The hard road to world order’, published back in April 1974 in Foreign Affairs, the official journal of the CFR, in which they suggested that National Sovereignty should be eroded and destroyed “piece by piece” rather than going for the more antiquated and highly visible “head-on attack.” Forty years on, it would seem that this discreet, disperse, extensive and unflinching process whereby national sovereignty is deconstructed “piece by piece” is in full swing. It is clearly high time for Chileans and Argentinians to awaken to the external challenges and dangers facing both countries and to start working together to defend their respective sovereign territories against common enemies.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:31:08 +0000

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