Greetings Friends We are thankful for the news articles which - TopicsExpress


Greetings Friends We are thankful for the news articles which we received concerning events in Israel. We know Israel is used as a timepiece to see what the LORD is doing. With the events which may happen in Israel April/ May 2014, we are keeping our eyes open for confirmation of end time prophecies. Therefore, when Sis. Janice, and Sis. Karen (mother & daughter) sent me the article about Europe placing financial pressures on Israel to accept John Kerrys ( The United States) framework for a peace plan, I began to think of how prophetical this is.(JweishWorldreview) Europe, the old Roman empire, and seat of the Beast, is pressuring Israel, to accept a peace plan negotiated by America, (the entity identified as giving power to the Image of the Beast), or financial support for Israel will be withdrawn. The whole plan is for Israel to surrender to the PLO. If they do not follow the edicts of the pace plan, Europe will destroy the financial future of Israel. This is beginning to sound like REVELATION 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Dont be surprised if Israel accepts the Interim Peace Plan to be signed on April 29, 2014, and then is confirmed in May 2014 by a visit of the Roman Pope to Israel. (SEE DANIEL 9:27).Note; if the peace plan is the one mentioned in DANIEL 9:27, it will only last three and one half (3 1/2) years, and then ??? Are you still waiting for someone to force you to take a tattoo, or electronic chip in your head, or hand to have the mark of the Beast? Do you see how the mark of the Beast may unfold as an economic pressure is applied by the Beast to accept their doctrines? Satan is deceptive, and is deceiving the masses of the World into missing the revelation of the coming of Jesus Christ...
Posted on: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 13:47:28 +0000

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