Greetings all! Its time again for JUPES VIEWS FOR YOUZ! Please - TopicsExpress


Greetings all! Its time again for JUPES VIEWS FOR YOUZ! Please take a moment or two and read it all, then leave a comment. Thank you. If your birthday is August 30, you share the day with Ted Williams, Bill Daily, and John Landis. On this date in 1941, the siege of Leningrad by Nazi troops began during WWII. In 1956, a white mod prevented enrollment of black students at Mansfield HS, Texas. In 1979, Pres. Carter was attacked by a rabbit while on a canoe trip in Plains, Ga. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you all come across very many people who are bent out of shape over Burger Kings merger with Tim Hortons? Ive seen a few, and although Id really love to educate them, for the most part, I just leave it alone. You cannot expect a dyed in the wool Liberal to accept anything but the bilge spewed by the MSM. Thats fact. Facing facts...We live in the United States. Its a land of free enterprise, and we are protected by the Constitution of the USA. Now, I realize that some liberals cant grasp the concept that there are real human being type people who populate the upper echelons of Americas corporations. Trust me, kiddos....people run, own, and operate Burger King restaurants all over the country. Heres another factoid...Most Burger King restaurants, and Tim Hortons are franchises. In case we need a refresher, a franchise is where a person, or couple of persons (who are still humans, BTW) purchase the right to sell products produced or copyrighted by a larger corporation. Now, the franchisee pays a certain amount each month to the corporation, but he must do the hiring, firing, stocking, and supplying his own franchise. Advertising is normally done by the corporation. Now, when you boycott the big corporation, its the small business owners youre hurting...and its friends, family, and neighbors that youre trying to put out of jobs. Ive also seen a few MSM dumb dumbs who are making the claim that Burger King is not patriotic for wishing to pay a lower corporate tax. Lets make this very clear...paying taxes is not a patriotic duty, or privilege. Paying your taxes is a legal obligation, nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who equates paying high taxes with the Freedom of Speech is missing a few chromosomes in the gene pool. Now lets look at a couple more facts. The US corporate tax rate is the highest in the world. Top end of the corporate tax rate in the US is 35%--while Canadas is at 15%. You dont have to work very hard to realize that the difference in tax rates for only one of the taxes that must be paid is astronomical. And yes, that is only one of the taxes that has to be paid...On top of that are restrictions, regulations, labor laws and taxes, state and federal laws and taxes...and you see where this is going? Straight to so many other corporations are doing, or planning on doing. The US is simply taxing corporations...and therefore jobs right out of our country. Oh, but we must be angry with Burger King for wanting to pay a lower corporate tax...while still paying all the other taxes for product sold in the US. No, the restaurants are not leaving...the product isnt leaving...they are doing all they can to keep American jobs in America...while loosening the stranglehold that federal bureaucracy places upon companies. Sounds like a very smart business decision to me. By all means, lets boycott local frachises of Burger King, and Tim Horton...Im sure it will be as effective as the attempted boycott of Chik fil A. Liberal boycotts seem to bring out the worst in liberals and the generosity in conservatives. Push us, and we push back. We support American businesses, just as much as we support so many worthwhile things. Now, if youll excuse me...I have a sudden craving for a bacon double cheeseburger. Im betting you thought Id say Whopper, but I just dont like onions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods. And they marvelled at him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And thats the way I see it, have a great night, and a better tomorrow. NNGB--Jupe
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 05:18:01 +0000

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