Greetings, citizens of the World. We Are Anonymous. My fellow - TopicsExpress


Greetings, citizens of the World. We Are Anonymous. My fellow oppressed brothers and sisters. And YES, you are ALL oppressed whether you know it or not. We have all been ensnared by an evil, centuries-old plan to create a global plantation, with only a fraction of the world’s current population still remaining to be the slaves to the in-bred, insane, psychopathic ‘bloodline-elites’. They have had a very very long time to fashion and ‘per-fect’ their plans for global domination, and have inserted their plans into all major institutions: government, business, education, media, medicine, finances, personal relationships, and routine day to day functions we have taken for granted, UNTIL NOW! At this crucial time, we all witness fraud and crimes in every aspect of our daily lives. We witness ‘financial-fraud’ every day, we see manipulators set silver, gold, interest rates, stock markets, bonds, derivatives the way they see fit, we see them emptying our 401Ks’, and-our pension funds. We witness our savings and our homes being stolen by the very banks we trust with our money. We witness the dollar manipulated into artificial heights, the numbers that prop all this ‘fraud, up’ being manufactured. The economy is in ‘ruins’, but we are constantly being reassured that it is going well. All we need to do is to look around: consumers are not buying. When consumers stop shopping, the banks, corporations, & businesses, as well as the whole cities go bankrupt. It is just a matter of time before we hear that our states are bankrupt and the public assistance ceases to exist. How are you going to live? Did you think-about it? The very state you think you will ask for help will turn its back on you. Your children will be hungry, with no food in the stores and no money in the banks. Are you ready for that? You know this brings Martial Law. Are you ready to see military vehicles on your block? The United Nations blue helmets at your door? You being prisoners in your own homes? We are almost there! It is very nearly high noon for you to start taking your destiny in your hands, instead of waiting for others to do things ‘for-you’. It is time to get the criminals out of their offices! It is time to clean up the government of the BAR members once and for all. Most Congress members are dual Israeli – American citizens. Who do you think they pledge allegiance to? Not to you, the American people. They work for Zionists’ interests which are the very ones that created this crisis. It is time that you hold those “public officials” accountable. They need to vacate public offices and be brought to justice. Time is now! We as united brothers and sisters on planet Earth MUST NOW recognize the late hour we are in, some are saying the 59th minute of the 11th hour before HIGH NOON, at which time their plans are unfoilable. We all have been given minds and hearts with which to distinguish TRUTH from revisionism. But most of us have been caught off guard in the steady, stealthy maneuvers to rewrite history according to the templates of the CONTROLLERS of this planet. They can be found primarily in the Vatican, the Crown of London, the Swiss bankster havens, and Washington DC., Zionists have infiltrated every nook and cranny on this planet and have almost completely, successfully created THEIR UTOPIA of imprisonment, destruction and death. Our only and last hope is to RISE TOGETHER and say NO MORE! It is our NUMBERS that they fear, and that is why they have worked so long and diligently to make sure we do not see our common foe. It is why we have political parties, religions, racial tensions, ideologies, borders, and every manner possible to separate us from one another and to hide who our true ENEMY IS! As long as they are able to continue this template that manipulates reality, and of keeping the population ‘numb, and dumb’, through hypnotic ‘tel-LIE-vision’, poisoning of our air and water, DNA-altering ‘foods,’ they WILL SUCCEED, and this civilization will go the way of those before us that ended in EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENTS., ‘Psychopaths’, have no conscience, no compassion, no concern for humanity and have succeeded in the destruction of life on this planet to almost non-existence at least 5 previous times. Are we going to be NUMBER 6? Or have we seen enough, learned enough, been attacked enough to put a HALT TO IT? Each and every soul on this planet is precious, and every ONE OF YOU has a role to play in the preservation of life and the creation of FREEDOM for the first time in recorded history. How do we do this you ask? First of all, in the US, tomorrow is ‘election day.’ Voting is a privilege given as natural rights are eliminated. DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE FRAUD OF ‘ELECTIONS.’ If we don’t show up, they will have less ability to manipulate the process. Second, please join all Anonymous groups around the country and the world on November 5 as we remember, remember the atrocities against us since time immemorial. The wars which only the banksters profit from, the pillaging and profiting from natural resources of sovereign countries, the destruction of the environment and the raping of mother earth, the enslavement of each and every human on this planet through fraud and coercion. You must DEMAND your FREEDOM! It will not be offered to you again. You must take every step possible to extricate yourself from the matrix of deceit and fraud through CONTRACTS that you don’t even know you have acquiesced to. You must do this each and every one together, but individually. As a collective we have great power and they have great fear. We must overcome our-own personal fears and step out in UNISON with great ferocity and make THE PSYCHOPATHS accountable.! We are Anonymous! We are Legion! United as ONE! Divided by ZERO! We do NOT forgive censorship! We do NOT forget impression! EXPECT US! VIDEO: https://youtube/watch?v=rJKvxrOfZE8&
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:04:24 +0000

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