HAITI EARTHQUAKE 2010 OPERATION BOTTLENECK (AID CONTROL) Please Like & Share - This is now an Exclusive as has been removed across the web because it is a comprehensive look at the Quake being used as a cover to further Occupy the Impoverished Mineral Rich Island. US Military Delayed Distributing of Aid to Earthquake survivors leading to the Unnecessary Deaths of upto 20000 people a day - Partners in Health Uploaded to Youtube Sep 22, 2012 - Now removed - Must watch WHAT THE NEWS ISNT TELLING YOU- 15 Days later. CAN-DO:Project Haiti #1 Even when the aid finally landed, it just sat there. Also note expiry dates/remember mothers were throwing out beetle infested biscuits they refused to give to their children. Via Eric Klein youtu.be/CXxMe9Ly5Pw Bottleneck effect - youtube/watch?v=ZXiHlDCSjjI Founder Effect, Bottle Necking, and Genetic Drift youtube/watch?v=Q6JEA2olNts Biology Genetic Drift Bottleneck Effect youtube/watch?v=QQkHHxw_iAs ****************************************************** Today in Haiti 12 January 2014. BREAKING - #HAITI - What are Police Shooting People With? 11 Jan 2015 Operation Burkina Faso Demo 17 in 54 Days https://facebook/video.php?v=910344122317135 #Haiti; Operation Burkina Faso Demo 16 in 53 days. 10 Jan 2015. MUST WATCH - EXTREME STATE VIOLENCE USED ON UNARMED PEOPLE Tear Gas, Water Cannons & Live Gunfire doesnt deter Haitians calling for Martelly to Go! Protesters Attacked with Extreme State Violence, Again. Martellys CIMO Police ATTACK unarmed Pro-Democracy Protesters demanding Fraudulently Elected US Installed President Martelly Resign, be Removed or Impeached. On 12 January 2015 Martelly WILL Dissolve Parliament and Rule Haiti by Decree behind UN Guns - Against the Will of 85% of Haitis Population. Martelly has suspended Elections since 2011 on the impoverished Mineral Rich island, for exactly this reason. https://facebook/video.php?v=909771282374419 Haiti: Operation Burkina Faso - the 5 Demands of the Population 1 - the Resignation Voluntary or Forced of President Martelly Doc 2 - the Unconditional Release of All Political Prisoners. 3 - the Establishment of a Transitional Government. 4 - the Creation of a Credible Electoral Council inspired by article 289 of the Haitian Constitution. 5 - the Organization of General Elections in 2015 WHAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS NOT SHOWING! Haiti - Victims of the Demonstration 13 Dec 14 Police are Killing the People a protesters screams One man has been killed and many others injured https://facebook/video.php?v=890763347608546 The Evidence Martelly was Fraudulently Elected in 2011. 28 Dec 2014 #Haiti’s Doctored 2010 Presidential Elections, Seen from the Inside: An Interview with Ricardo Seitenfus dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/haitis-doctored-elections-seen-from-the-inside-an-interview-with-ricardo-seitenfus ******************************************** 8 Jan 14 More Photos - Woman heavily Tear Gassed struggling for breath https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=929575323734371&set=a.120597921298786.14577.100000457357288&type=1&theater via No Shock Doctrine in Haiti https://facebook/groups/292737727221/ #Haiti - Peaceful Protesters Attacked by Martelly Police on Independence Day.. 1 Jan, 2014. Operation Burkina Faso Demo 14 in 42 days. *Warning:Graphic footage https://facebook/video.php?v=902365676448313 #Haiti - Operation Burkina Faso, 13th Demo in 40 Days Demanding Martelly Resign and Call Elections now. 30 December 2014 https://facebook/video.php?v=900901499928064 *********************************** #Haiti - Jodelin Nicolas - Killed by Shot to the Heart. 13 Dec 2014 Jodelin Nicolas - Killed by shot to the Heart by Martelly Police or UN (Chapter 7) Troops filmed firing at Unarmed Pro Democracy demonstrators simple calling for Elections 4 years overdue. https://youtube/watch?v=NYgzxtjpY8E United Nations Peacekeeper Soldiers Fire at Protestors in Haiti Dec 12, 2014 - https://youtube/watch?v=rweQ2-BgjH4 WHAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS NOT SHOWING! Haiti - Victims of the Demonstration 13 Dec 14 Police are Killing the People a protesters screams One man has been killed and many others injured https://facebook/video.php?v=890763347608546 ************************************** #Haitian Police Throwing Rocks @ Peaceful Protesters Heads This is the True Repressive Reality of life in Haiti Under Martelly. 14 Operation Burkina Faso Demonstrations have taken place in Haiti over the last 42 days Demanding Martelly Resign and Call Free & Fair Elections now. You be the Judge Jamaica or Haiti (Youtube) Answer: Haiti. https://youtube/watch?v=9gSVtkDa02s **************************************** #Haiti - Martelly Advised Not To Hold Overdue Elections - But By Who? #Haiti President was advised to not hold elections, says Senate Partisan December 24, 2014 - DH - bit.ly/1CCohRw We are respecting President’s Constitutional mandate’, Pitit Desalins responds to Core Group. December 24, 2014 - DH bit.ly/1AJoaS7 12 Dec, 2014 - Demo 7 (UN Filmed Shooting at Peaceful crowds) #Haiti - UN try to Save Martelly by Killing Peaceful Protesters Revolution News - 2,023,908 views worldwide! See Demands below.. https://facebook/video.php?v=422018971285004 ****************************************** The Evidence Martelly was Fraudulently Elected in 2011. 28 Dec 2014 #Haiti’s Doctored 2010 Presidential Elections, Seen from the Inside: An Interview with Ricardo Seitenfus. dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/haitis-doctored-elections-seen-from-the-inside-an-interview-with-ricardo-seitenfus *************************************** #Haiti - Martelly & the New Tonton Machoutes - Death Squad Democracy Reconstitution of Haiti’s Tontons Macoutes and Their Fusion With MINUSTAH Haiti Chery. via Avokapepla #Paramilitary troops that are loyal to #Martelly have been trained in Rafael #Correa‘s #Ecuador. These troops are meant to be the kernel of a new Tontons #Macoutes force that will be announced in July 2015. Formally, they go by the inoffensive title of “military engineering corps.” The #regime says they are based in #Haiti’s #Artibonite region, although they are disguished as officers in the Police Nationale d’Haiti (#PNH). - Dady Chery #MINUSTAH #OAS #IADB #DynCorp #TontonsMacoutes #TontonMakout #UDMO #CIMO #BIM #History #Duvalier ************************************ Haiti: Anti-Martelly Protests All Through Christmas and New Years December 23, 2014 - DH bit.ly/1sW4bsN #Haiti OPERATION BURKINA FASO CONTINUES - 1 Jan 2014 #Haiti: Impeach Martelly to Avoid Further Bloodshed and Unconstitutionality December 6, 2014 - bit.ly/1G4mVyi UN Peacekeeping troops fire at Protesters in Haiti. 12 Dec 2014 youtu.be/ypp_seayrHU ***************************************** Haiti: Mass Resistance to the Corrupt US Sponsored Martelly-Lamothe Regime. December 04, 2014 Bloodshed continues as militarized Haiti police kill 3 month old baby with tear gas, wounds four protesters Elsewhere in Haiti, in the Northeast, a 3-month old baby died in his house from inhaling militarized police tear gas thrown at the people, four people were wounded by police bullets shot at crowds protesting deplorable living standards under Martelly-Lamothe and demanding that the power plant servicing foreigners at Caracol share their electricity with the people at Ouanaminthe and Fort Liberte globalresearch.ca/haiti-mass-resistance-to-the-corrupt-us-sponsored-martelly-lamothe-regime/5417754 Campaign to End the Occupation of Haiti Canada Haiti Action Network (CHAN) Toronto Haiti Action Committee Under Tents Haiti - Bri Kouri Nouvèl Gaye Haiti: Relief and Reconstruction Watch Haiti Support Group UK Haiti Cholera & Justice Fight the Outbreak: Demand Justice for Cholera in Haiti Haitians United against the Bahamas Discrimination Law Jean-Bertrand Aristide - Fanmi Lavalas Organisation Politique Fanmi Lavalas Kodinasyon Depatmantal Lwes Fanmi Lavalas. Aristide Foundation for Democracy Uploaded for Historical and Educational purposes.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 02:00:43 +0000

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