HAPPY HEALTHY SUCCESSFUL And Here is a VERY POSITIVE offering .... I am preparing for a seminar I am delivering called Happy, Healthy and Successful and thought I would share some of it with you. We all know this stuff but a times its easy to forget, a brief revisit is all it may to refocus or redirect our energies, especially this time of year. No one escapes the emotional roller coaster of life, we should not desire to, without the lows you will not appreciate the highs. Ups and Downs are part of the circles of life. That said is it important to have some conscious level of control over your emotions, gaining a deeper understanding will allow this. I personally never tire hearing about what goes on inside successful peoples minds. 22 Point Scale to Attract What You Want in 2014 Today I want to share with you the 22 Point Scale as described in the book Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. You may have seen it before as this is the second time ive sent it out but have you actually taken notice of it and tried shifting yourself up the scale? If the answer is no, I would urge you to do so as it really does make a huge difference. The theory behind the scale is this... When youre in a very negative frame of mind, lets say you are feeling fearful, worried or insecure even, you are not in the right place to attract more of what you actually want. You will not be in the best frame of mind to take action on opportunities that may well be right there in front of you. The actions you do take may well bring you more of what you dont want and now youre stuck in this viscious circle of events. You have basically stopped attracting the things that you want in your life, you are too focused on the negative emotions you are feeling. For example, lets say right now you dont have enough money, youre worried about paying the bills, worried about where the money is going to come from and its really starting to get you down and even depressed. There may be people around you who give you their words of wisdom such as Stay positive, keep your chin up, look on the bright side etc etc etc This is not particularly helpful as looking on the bright side is about as far away from where you are right now as the Sun is from the Earth, right? So, the scale is about moving you step by step through different emotions rather than trying to jump all the way to the sunny joyful top. Lets look at the scale so you can get a much clearer idea of how this works. Joy/knowledge/empowerment/freedom/love/appreciation Passion Enthusiasm/eagerness/happiness Positive expectation/belief Optimism Hopefulness Contentment Boredom Pessimism Frustrated/Irritation/Impatience Overwhelment Disappointment Doubt Worry Blame Discouragement Anger Revenge Hatred/Rage Jealousy Insecurity/guilt/unworthiness Fear/grief/depression/despair/powerlessness Going back to the example of not having enough money, the person in this situation will be fluctuating emotionally between points 22-14. Its a big ole jump from there to the top, and I dont mean just putting a brave face on it. So what can you do? Well you can look at the scale and establish where you are at right now. You do this by going to an emotion that you think is what you are feeling, lets say its No.14 Worry. To make sure this is where you are at look at some of the emotions just above and below and ask yourself Do I feel more worried, or angry? Do I feel more worried or overwhelmed?. Do this a couple of times until you find the place that best matches what you really are feeling right now. Then focus on trying to find thoughts that give you a feeling of relief from the emotion you are feeling right now, thoughts that lead you to a slightly less resistant emotional state. Lets stick with our example of being worried about money. Thinking about the bills and how to pay them could lead to feeling overwhelmed (no.11) slightly higher. You may also start to feel frustrated and irritated about the things that have happened which led to this situation (no.10). You eventually begin to think about what you can do to start sorting this mess out and before long youve moved up to hopefulness (6) and optimism (5). It may be this is as far as you can get right now, which is fine as lets face it its a long way up from 22-14. Being able to move up the scale will mean you will be able to start attracting what you want - now that has got to be better hasnt it? Oh and by the way you dont have to be right down the bottom before you use it. Its all about getting to and staying at the top more of the time. Max x
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 09:56:52 +0000

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