HARD PAGE KENYA GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO CHANGE STRATEGY ON ICC. #ONEDOWNTWOTOGO by matsanga. I returned this morning from UK and Netherlands where I had hoped to travel to New York to struggle against ICC and destroy Fatou Bensouda once for all. I cut short my trip after my lawyer Chief Taku informed me that ASP orgarnisers had come under pressure from NGOs and from the usual bastards like Prof. Makau Mutua, Prof. Alex Whitting, Prof Jacquline Klopp, George Soros and Luis Moreno Ocampo who had prevailed on the meeting orgarnisers not to allow Kenya cases on Agenda.. My most reliable intelligence sources from New York at the famous Canteen of Makau Mutua phoned and confirmed what my lawyers had told me earlier as we were at London Heathrow Airport. The Agenda of ASP that was sent out to those accredited and me in particular had been changed and Kenyan situation and cases will be discussed casually and it was not even on the Agenda for discussion. I felt so sad and it was not necessary for me to to travel . I knew the reason why we failed to have it on agenda and i had told some people much earlier . I decided to return to Amsterdam Netherlands to catch up with more fire works with ICC. I used my time in Europe to explore ways of dealing with Fatou Bensouda. My struggle with ICC was against those who faked the cases . Why I will never lose sleep over insults is that , one day i will be remembered by the people of Africa for saying the truth . Call me names but i will not surrender or crossover to lies of ICC . Kenya needs to change strategy on ICC ,we need to weed out the traitors first, because they continue to molest this the nation with ICC fake deals. While traveling from Nairobi to Netherlands last week on my way to New York via London for ICC ASP annual conference ,I realized at that the boarding lounge of JKIA most of those who were traveling for the same meeting on KQ flight 116 were from NGOs and ICC moles who helped to fake the cases. Only few of us , myself , Dann Mwangi,Jasper, Lawyer Mwangi Njenga, an MP and a lady from AG office were the only Africansthe rest were Africans wearing ICC hearts and baying for the blood of Uhuru Kenyatta and Ruto . Their faces could tell. The entire economy of the flight was full of traitors in the name of NGOs.(Thanks because of my age and having worked hard contrary to the insults i sat in Business class and avoided seeing some faces that faked cases in Kenya). They were bought tickets by Donors to go and molest Kenya abroad. How do you accept a ticket from a donor to go and kill your country in New York? This nation of Africa needs a break , it needs serious diplomatic support from serious friends. The diplomacy that Cabinet Secretary for Foreigner Affairs Dada Amina Mohamed has played is very good and has good results and will chase ICC out of Kenya. We need to encourage CS Amina Mohamed to do more like Jews do when their country is touched. The silent killer blow is not shouting is exposing the fake details inch by inch. I believe in aggressive silent diplomacy like the one i conducted on Zimbabwe not public diplomacy that Kenya has resorted to. We need to stick to one route to Jerusalem Article 112 of the Rome Statute not silly side shows. Diplomatic combat that rattles the very vein of ICC is very much welcome at the moment instead of side shows of law.ICC does not listen to the law. They listen to strategy. A strategy of winning the minds of the conservative states in ICC who are determined to jail our people. . We can tackle the rest of the cases in ICC if we followed advise from those who know how ICC works. There are night fliers or call them night wizards who cannnot even recite on single word on ICC who want to steal the show by giving mirage advise. Reactive measures are useless in war. We must always be proactive as Africans so that our on forward journey on ICC is smooth. Kenyan Parliament is debating International Crimes Act(I C A) which brought ICC on the soil of Kenya and this is what we call strategy. Shouting in the hall or insulting in the conference room Bensouda does not help the current cases remaining there and will do nothing to change the bad situation created by the Makau Mutua, and Maina Kiai. We change strategy. We must combine both the structural challenges that brought ICC near our home and the current silent diplomacy that will flush Fatou Bensouda out of Kenya and close her offices permanently. Dr. David Matsanga. 10.12.2014
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 08:53:15 +0000

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