HAVE A HEART OF COMPASSION Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 1 PETER 3:8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK these days, you can see people who are hurting. Some people are extremly discouraged;many have broken dreams. Others have made mistakes, and now their lives are in a mess. They need to feel Gods compassion and His unconditional love. They dont need somebody to judge and criticize them, or to tell them what theyre doing wrong. ( In most cases, they already know that !) They need somebody to bring hope,somebody to bring healing, somebody to show Gods mercy. Really,theyre looking for a friend, somebody who will be there to encourage them, who will take the time to listen to their story and genuinely care. Were all so busy. We have our own priorities and important plans and agendas.Often,our attitude is: I dont want to be in- convenienced. Dont bother me with your problems. Ive got enough problems of my own. But the Scipture says, If anyone sees his brother in need yet closes his heart of compassion, how can the love of God be in him? (see 1 JOHN 3:17 ). Interesting,isnt it? Gods Word implies that we each have a heart of compassion, but the question is whether it is open or closed. Furthermore,The Bible says, We are to continually walk in love, being guided by love and following love ( see 2 JOHN 6). When God puts love and compassion in your heart toward someone, Hes offering you an opportunity to make a difference in that persons life.You must learn to follow that love. Dont ignore it. Act on it. Somebody needs what you have to give. God has placed in you the potential to have a kind, caring, gentle, loving spirit. You have the ability to empathize,to feel what other people are feeling. Because you were created in the image of God,you have the moral capacity to experience Gods compassion in your heart right now. But too often,because of our own selfishness,we choose to close our hearts to others.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 22:09:06 +0000

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