HAVE you experienced public panic of any sort ? If so please post - TopicsExpress


HAVE you experienced public panic of any sort ? If so please post your experience here . I am experienced 3 public panics that I can recall . The anthrax scare with the gov telling people to buy duct tape and plastic . The Beltway sniper back in 2000 The brief fuel shortage post Katrina due to the colonial pipeline shutting down the supply of fuel temporarily up from the gulf . Each time I witnessed irrational emotional behavior . I saw Home Depot stack duct tape and plastic in the isles and sell it all out . Even people wrestling to get the last ones as if it were life or death . The beltway sniper was REAL ...and the information the TV set gave out was 100 % WRONG !!! a white box truck turned out to be a blue sedan . I watched people at gas stations duck down behind the pumps in Catonsville and my own wife zig zagged across Home Depot parking lot as we got out of the truck to go inside . My friend Todd who works at colonial told us to get gas in all our vehicles as the pipeline would be temp shut down for the storm . I told my son to fill his truck ...and he didnt . so there we are on the weekend after looking for gas . Signs posted ...OUT OF GAS !!! SUNOCO had some so we drove up to get in the line . Sheesh I was pissed at my son for this . Suddenly as he pulls up to take his turn a little blonde lady in her big white Chevy Suburban pulls in front of him and declares .... I gotta go to work NOW ...I cant wait and starts to fill her vehicle . We are just standing there in shock !! She is rambling on about her situation at the top of her little blonde lungs . She was a cutie so she got away with it I guess as we all just stood there in amazement at what just happened . Prepare yourself and your family by running scenarios like this in your minds . War gaming is good prepping IMO .
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 10:50:07 +0000

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