HE(GOD)HATH MADE OF ONE BLOOD ALL NATIONS OF MEN! ACTS 17;26 We live in a world in which there are many different types of people who come from various nations, tribes and families. Many people look at this variety of people and wonder why there are the differences in skin color, differences in facial features and differences in language and culture. People are often perplexed at the hostilities and hatred which arises between different groups of people and they wonder why this tension is there. There is an answer to these questions and it is found in that sacred Book, the Bible. God tells us in Genesis that He created the heavens, the earth and all the creatures on earth. He made the first man and woman, and their names were Adam and Eve. They were created perfect in the day that God created them. However, they disobeyed God’s command and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which had been forbidden by God. Adam and Eve had children and from these tow people the world was populated. Because Adam and Eve were sinners, they bore children who also had sinful heart. This became obvious as their children grew up and turned away from obeying God. As time passed, the world became more and more wicked, until it became so corrupt that God declared that He would destroy the world and all its inhabitants in a great flood. Only a man called Noah, his three sons and their wives continued to obey God commanded Noah to build an Ark and he, his family and selected animals were preserved from the great destruction. (All this is recorded in Genesis chapters 1 to 9 in the Bible). When the flood subsided. Noah and his family left the Ark and were commanded to re-populate the earth. The bible records in Genesis chapter 10 how the sons of Noah and their descendants moved to many different parts of the world and took up residence there. In Genesis chapter 11, the Bible records how the descendants of Noah and his sons turned away from God and began to worship the host of heaven i.e sun, moon and stars and other idols. Instead of spreading out throughout the earth as God commanded, and replenishing the earth, these people flocked together at Babel and began to build a tower in order to worship the host of heaven. Instead of learning from the previous judgement of God and obeying Him, the people demonstrated their sinfulness and openly rebelled against God and defile Him. The Bible tells us that God looked down from Heaven and saw their evil and, in judgement, He confounded their language and caused the people to speak different languages. Consequently the people were unable to understand each other and so were confounded in their joint venture to build this heathen tower. As a result of this act of judgement upon the people, the various language groups spread out from Babel to different parts of the world. God scattered the descendants of Noah so that they would go throughout the world as He commanded. God so ordered the gene pools with the different language group so that certain skin colors and facial features would be predominant. Consequently, different characteristics developed among the different language groups so that the predominant skin color and facial features became distinctive features between different language groups. Genesis 10 gives summary of the descendants of Noah from which came the nations of the earth after they were scattered from Babel. We find that all the nations and tribes in the world today had their roots in these family groups which were scattered at that time when God confounded their language at Babel. The family groups can be summarized briefly and simply by looking at the three sons of Noah. Those who descended from Japheth occupied Europe, Russia and parts of India. Those who descended from Shem occupied the areas of the Middle East. The descended of Ham occupied Africa, Egypt, Canaan, parts of India and the Far East. From this spreading out of the descendants of Noah’s sons came all the nation and tribe of the earth. Hence we can see that the different nations and tribes came into being because of differences in language not because of skin color or culture. These things came later as a result of the various language groups being isolated from other groups. The groups were divided by the language barrier and along with this developed a sense of separation and division between the groups. There was no longer unity and oneness of spirit and, because of sin, there developed a sense of superiority over the others and opposition to them. Each group developed their own culture and region. In Romans 1:21-25, we read of the degeneration in the nations who began with true knowledge of the Living God, but in their own language group, turned away from the God who created them and began to worship that which God had created. Hence we see the multitude of religions in which idols and creatures are worshipped instead of the True and Living God. Because of the differences between the various peoples, many people are “race” conscious today. In fact much is made of racism in the world today. However, when we come to the Bible, we are clearly told that we have one common ancestor and that we all have one Creator, the Almighty God. Although there are many different nations in the world, all their peoples are members of the same human race. All men and women are of one kind. In Acts 17:26 we read (God) “hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation.” After Babel people could still interbreed freely. Whatever nation or tribe we come from, we are human beings who have been created in the image of God. We all have the same blood i.e. as distinct from the blood of animals etc. We have the same feelings. We all have been made higher than the animals in that, besides having a body and a soul, we have a spirits which enables us to worship God and commune with Him. There is no basis for “racism” in the Bible. Each person is precious in God’s sight and all classes of men and women stand in equal importance before Him. Racism has been given greater emphasis since the theory of evolution appeared on the scene. Evolution teaches that men and women evolved from lower species of animals. This is of course reduces man to a mere animal of chance. He loses his dignity, and his special importance before God is lost. The rise of modern evolutionary theory took place mostly in Europe and spread quickly to countries which had Europe links. These same areas were, at that time, leading the world in industrial and military expansion. These nations were thus inclined to think of themselves as somehow superior to the other nations of the world. This opinion was greatly encouraged by the rise of Darwinian evolutionism. During the 19th century many scientist embraced evolution which denied the Creator, God and viewed man was evolving from animals. Consequently, the white European nations were encouraged to believe that they were more evolve than other nations and so were superior. This erroneous theory only gave ground and excuse for the inherent sinful tendency to look down on other nationalities as inferior. Many prominent evolutionists of the 19th century plainly stated that the European white people were higher up the evolutionary ladder that other peoples. This attitude was seen in the way in which people with black skin, for example, were looked upon us as the “missing link” between apes and the white men. We know in light of Scripture that this wicked and wrong, yet many abuses of multi-colored skinned people was excused on the ground that they were lesser people. The American negro has been treated as a “person without soul” because of this type of thinking. There is much being said about Australian aborigines in latter days because of abuses and crimes committed against them in history past. Some of the wrong in the last 100 years have to be attributed to the fact that white men, under this erroneous concept of evolution, considered the black people as lesser people and as the link between ape and white men. This situation cannot be excused. However, when we consider the attitude of Godly Bible believing Christians (as distinct from those hypocrites who merely bear the name of Christian), such as David Livingstone, we see men and women who saw all men from all nations as being created in the image of God and who were precious creatures in His sight. See the efforts such men as Livingstone made to assist and help them in their struggles against such abuses as slavery. Not only that but there was a lifting of their standard of living and assistance given to heal their bodies. Most importantly such Christians saw the importance of showing all nations the truth concerning the Living God and their need to turn from sin and believe on the Lord Jesus. In Australia there is ample evidence of those self sacrificing true Christians who saw the value of the aboriginal people before God and sought to lift them out of their plight and bring them to the Lord Jesus. There was assistance given to the whole man – body, soul and spirit. This is contrasted to the evils and abuses created or exaggerated by the adherence to evolutionary theory. In our own age we have witnessed the terrible holocaust initiated and carried out by Hitler’s Germany. Documented history shows us that Hitler took the theory of evolution to it’s conclusion. He believed that he and his ilk were the master race and that he would simply speed up the process of the survival of the fittest. He set about to actually breed his Master race and destroy those whom he deemed were lower down the scale of evolutionary development. Hence the Jewish people along with weak, sick and mentally ill people were sent to the gas chambers en masse. The sinful human heart tends to think in terms of superiority over another person and the theory of evolution removes God and gives this evil tendency an evil excuse to treat other peoples in a cruel and wicked way as though they were nothing more than animals. Unfortunately we see a backslash in our world today in which nation rises against nation and tribe against tribe in a never ending series of attacks upon each other. Instead of white supremacy we hear of “black power”, “red power” etc. Such movements are born in hatred towards other people of a different skin color or culture. Each group often has a legitimate grievance against another. Yet we see and underlying attitude which would perpetrate equal wickedness if they had the opportunity. What we really see is the same old sinful tendencies being openly manifested. The Bible clearly gives us a summary of world history and the origin of all nations and tribes. It clearly declares that the One True God created the heavens and the earth and that He created man and above the animals in a special act of creation. All human being descend from Adam and are created by God. You have a spirit and a soul as well as the body you see. You are God’s creature and you are accountable to Him. If only men and women saw the truth of the Biblical account then the sting is taken out of so called “racial tensions”. What we must realize is that we are all sinful at heart. Because we are in rebellion against God, we reject Him and His authority over us. We reject His Law, His Word. We go our own way. Hatred is one of the results of sin and is made manifest in our lives by the way in which a man deals unjustly and violently with another man. All of the wrongs in this world are committed by sinful men and women. We must be fully aware that God will bring sinners to give an account for their sin whether they believe it or not. Those who despise and hate other men whom God has created will stand before God to give an account for their sin exactly the same was as the one they hate. God strips every man of his pride and superiority. All are equally sinful in His sight for all have rebelled against Him. Do you see where you stand before God? You stand condemned and under. His judgement and you face eternal wrath in Hell despite the grievances you may have against another human being. Be assured that those who wrong you will also stand before God in the same condemnation. God Word not only tells us that God made all men, but He also tells us that the Lord Jesus came into this world to save sinners out of all nations. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The Lord Jesus left Heaven and came to this earth as a man, the Perfect Man. He came specifically to die on the cross for our sins. He paid the penalty for our sin and bore the full wrath of God on our behalf. Consider the injustice He received at the hands of men. He was perfect and did no wrong. He helped people, loved people. He healed sick, raised the dead and comforted those who were broken hearted. He ministered to man’s spiritual needs and showed man his need of salvation. The Lord Jesus gave Himself up to men who intended to injure, mock and kill Him and He gave Himself willingly because He loved us. He did not threaten or curse His captors but prayed for God’s forgiveness upon those who abused Him and crucified Him. He then died for us. Whatever your background, whatever your religion, whatever your grievance against another, know that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only One who can save you from sin and deliver you from the wrath of God. The grievance you have against another is nothing compared to the just grievance God has against you and only the Lord Jesus is able to deliver you from this debt. You need lies not in revenge or chasing old grievances but your need is to be saved from your sin before it is to late and God casts you into Hell. Hatred consumes and destroys a person but the love of God through Jesus Christ makes a man clean and whole and new. “God so loved the world”. The Lord Jesus is the Saviour of all the nations. He is not for Jew only, or for white men only or for black men only. He will save men and women from every tribe and nation on earth who will forsake their sin and come humbly to Him and cry to Him for mercy and give their lives totally to Him to rule. You are God’s creature. He made you and you have rebelled against Him. He has sent the Lord Jesus to save sinners the world over. Will you come now to Him and surrender your life to Him and be washed clean in His precious blood and receive eternal life? You now know the truth as revealed in God’s Word. God commands you to repent and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. “God commandeth all men everywhere to repent: Because He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness”. “For thou was slain and hast redeemed us to God by the blood out of every kindred, and tongue and people and nation: And hast made us unto our God kings and priests.”Acts 17:30, 31 and Revelation 5:9. Will you get alone with God right now and seek Him in prayer and ask Him to forgive you and have mercy on you through the Lord Jesus? Cry to Him to wash you clean in the Blood of the Lord Jesus. Give your life to the Lord Jesus by turning from your sin and past life of self rule and give yourself to the Lord Jesus so that He now rules your life. Ask Him to give you spiritual life. Seek His face in earnestness and truth for He will save all who come to Him.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 14:21:09 +0000

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