HEALTH JOURNEY UPDATE: BE CAREFUL HOW MUCH EXPERIMENTING YOU DO...CHOCOLATE AVOCADO PUDDING WAS NOT A SUCCESS! And cost us some pricey ingredients. =/ In case anyone figured it out, the 30 day plan I was going to follow in the beginning got tweaked a bit. It was too expensive and too stressful for my family and me to follow to the letter. What I have done is incorporate as many good, healthy changes and recipes that I could into the last month. As I stated at the beginning, it is a journey and I am working on it slowly, so i dont freak anyone out. I want to live a happy, healthy life, free from this dreaded weight and body aches that I have been dealing with in the past. Anyone wanting to join me, I am more than happy to have along for the ride, but I dont expect anyone to follow it. As I said in the beginning, I am not going to give you my weight or measurements on this page, but I do want to share that I did lose some weight. My coworkers and I started a weight loss contest and I had to weigh and measure myself for it. Second weigh in was 10 days after our first weigh in. I had a cold (Jim said flu) that turned into a cough...nearly gone now...that prevented me from doing much exercise for the month,but with no exercise, eating as diligently to the Whole 30 way of eating as I could (85%), I LOST 5.2 POUNDS IN THAT 10 DAYS! I also feel less and less like eating sweets, which is a big deal for me, since I have loved sweets my whole life. Example of what this way of eating is doing for me...I ended up (because I didnt plan very well) eating at Wendys one day last week and gave in to a small coke. I was thinking it was going to be such a treat, but it ended up tasting weird to me and I only drank about half of that small coke. After about 30 minutes, I started to feel a bit dizzy. I knew that it had to be a sugar spike, because I hadnt felt like this for almost the whole month! Which made me think back to before I started this journey at the end of December and realized that I had felt dizzy like that throughout many days in the past, but had ignored it. So my goals for February: 1) Get moving at least 5 days a week! Im looking at Home Crossfit WODs that I can use at my workplace gym. 2) Be prepared!!! Be sure to bring my healthy homemade salad dressing, and healthy Whole 30 approved snacks and meals with me to work, and think ahead to when we want to eat out. 3) Incorporate new healthier recipes into the family meal list that everyone will enjoy. BUT BE CAREFUL NOT TO EXPERIMENT WITH TOO MANY CRAZY FLAVOR COMBINATIONS OR IT WILL SCARE THE NATIVES AWAY. ;)
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 16:24:41 +0000

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