HELLO PASTOR AWORAWO, IS SHE MY WIFE? One frequent question - TopicsExpress


HELLO PASTOR AWORAWO, IS SHE MY WIFE? One frequent question that ready and eligible Bachelors often seek divine guidance about is the choice of a right marital partner and vice versa. The desire not to pick up a wrong rib as a Man’s wife and deep religious orientation that teaches us to seek God’s will over every decision have contributed to this trend amongst many ready to marry bachelors. This is not peculiar to one tribe but also applicable to ladies who tend to ‘pray’ about their choice of a husband most especially because they don’t want to live in poverty and misery in their marital life. This reinforces the viewpoint that many women want the basic comfort of life and the consistent assurance that their convenience is certain and they won’t have to suffer, they then seek spiritual help to make a futuristic incursion into the fortunate or unfortunate status of any Man with whom they intend to spend the rest of their lives. Little wonder, we often find a woman agreeing to marry men with no fat purse or immediate success but their fortune changes after a few years because the women have seen their future before saying those sacred and final words: ‘I do’. I have a number of discontent with this act that has deep foundations in African mythology and religious indoctrination and I state them seriatim: 1. You are your number one Prophet! : No ‘Pastor’, ‘Priest’, or ‘Alfa’ can have more access to your God over your situation than yourself. Cultivate a right relationship with your Creator and you will hear Him directly. 2. You cannot gate-crash on God!: Often times, men try to play God. You claim to know God but he does not know you. God cannot give you direction when you are not His disciple! You cannot seek Gods guidance over marriage when you have left him out in other sectors of your life! God wont direct you marriage in isolation when he you never consulted him in all the decisions you took before marriage: Career, finance and association! When you ask God for direction over a marital choice, ask yourself If He is truly your Father and If you had ever consulted him over any situation in time past. God cannot be mocked. I remember a Nigerian General Overseer whom a crafty Journalist asked If he sought Gods face before contesting the Presidency. He remarked: Did I consult God before stepping out for this interview, before eating this morning or before going to school? He said there was no need! Need I say more? 3. Not all ‘Pastors’ are Pastors. Some churches are not more than modern shrines! Visiting them will cause you more harm than good. They either deceive you or change your destiny. Moreover, If they ‘foresee’ any evil and you still go ahead to marry the person due to your faith against their advice, they will stop at nothing to bring their prophecy to fulfilment at least to justify their evil prediction. 4. It is improper and sinful for you to have multiple dates and later choose from them at the point of marriage. You not only break some people’s hearts but its suggestive of a deficit of integrity, frivolity and lack of conviction. Moreover, any ‘Pastor’ that encourages you to bring names of 3 to 5 people you are dating for prayers in order to choose the right one does not seem to me a true child of God! Its a tacit promotion of promiscuity and immorality. Moreover, asking God for marital direction when you are already dating is like getting inside a flowing River with both feet and asking If you should get wet! 5. There is no perfect human being! If you must marry a human being and not an Angel, (even though there is no single recorded female Angel in the Holy Bible), you will have tribulations! Your marital journey is a smooth road with a few pot holes! Since there is no rose without thorns. Your marriage will witness comfort, skirmishes and trials but you will overcome them with love, tolerance, prayer and understanding. A friend of mine once told me that a Pastor asked him not to marry his fiance because he foresaw that the lady will elope whenever he becomes poor and unable to provide for her and his family. I told him to go ahead with his marriage that the prophecy means he should be hardworking and never be poor as many women, not only his fiance will elope in the glare of extreme poverty and he yielded to my advice! Further, an Elderly friend also told me that these future-telling Pastors told his wife not to marry him that he will marry a second wife. He has been married now for 45years and has never cheated on the wife! He is also consciously guiding against the fulfilment of the evil prophecy. Many people have also followed these prophecies and married wife-beaters, permanent wretch and unfortunate people against following their hearts who are now enjoying marital bliss in the arms of other men and women. Do not be misled. Prophecies are not entirely bad, but they are not to scare us but warn us, prepare us so we can prayerfully guard against them. 6. Praying to see the future is like opening a cankerworm of apprehension and frustration. What you do not know cannot kill you! We all have a purpose on earth. No one can change the course of your journey If you do not let them. Guard your future with your life and stop visiting every Babalawo in God’s robe to lay hands on you. Some of these Pastors have gone deaf and dumb that all they hear is money! They can replace your fortune with misfortune. May you not acquire a load that is not yours. A woman that enters every spiritual home is worse than a witch! Seek God’s guidance over the choice of a marital partner If you must, but do it personally and with caution. So many of us would hear God faster If we get close to God. No Man’s life is totally ruined until he is badly married. May we never mismarry. ‘Tosin Ayo, (The word bank’).
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:52:50 +0000

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