HER NESIAN THUG FINALE (STEAL MY FIRST...TAKE MY LAST...BE MY FOREVER) The Wedding had suddenly arrived. The only hiccup in the wedding preparation was the date. Noah didnt realise it Landed on a weekday so they pushed it for New years Eve which Niva thought was perfect. Everyone who was invited rsvpd as soon as they received their invites confirming they would definitely be there. There was nothing left to do now but make sure their Day went smoothly. Niva ,Molly and Shaye stayed over Narahs the eve of the wedding because they were part of the wedding party. Narahs college roommate Tanisha flew in aswell from Cali for her bridesmaid duties. Narah chose two of her first cousins,one from each side to be in her line aswell making it complete. They chose to spend Narahs last night as a single woman eating junk and bonding. Alk the girls got along famously. Noahs family had a knack for putting people at ease. Narah watched as Niva and Shaye easily made conversation with the other girls like they were all long standing friends. Narah went to search for Molly and found her in the kitchen with Her mum making the samoan pancake balls. Narah smiled as she watched them. She knew Molly yearned for a mother figure. Narahs mother took her under her wing. Happy to have someone keen to learn. Narah felt her phone vibrate, receiving a text from Noah. She frowned at the text. *Lady,I apologise. Narah felt herself smiling and took a risk replying. *for all those lonely days and those restless nights? He instantly replied back. *😜without me by your side. And when you cry..cause my 😔 She replied back. *insensitivity didnt see the signs..😏 Her ph vibrated. *when all I wanted was to make you smile😚 Narah had to laugh. Noah always seemed to suprise her. He sent another text. *I knew you and I think alike baby! She grinned. *My lover,My life! *My shorty! My wife! Baha babe cool down. Her brow arched. *hush aye lol. See you tomorrow. *Go sleep early babe,cause you wont be sleeping after our wedding 😉mwa x Narah blushed at Noahs implications. She went back to the room to enjoy her night with ones who mattered the most to her. Noah leaned back in his chair with a face splitting grin,holding his glass of bourban hed been nursing for the past hour. He had his boys all around him with his Dad and Uncles doing the umu. His uncle Ryder brought his dj equipment along and had it set up in the backyard,not letting anyone near it because he was the most aiu guy with his music and didnt want anyone seeing his playlist. His Aunties were making a ruckus inside cooking up a storm for brunch. Noah felt complete but for a sense of lonliness his Mum couldnt be here. Nathaniel-Son Noah looked over at his Dad and dropped his glass. His Dad was leading a distinguished looking couple towards him. It was his birth mothers parents. His Nonna was already in tears before she got to him. Noah embraced her tightly. His grandfather patting his back,shedding a tear of his own. Noah sent his dad a gretaful look. Before Noah knew it. His Italian side came through. It was like a reunion. The women quickly made their way inside to help with the cooking while the men popped open more beer bottles. Noah sat at the table with all 3 if his grandparents feeling a sense of pride to see everyone together. The clock struck midnight,harolding in new years eve. He wanted to see Narah. He told his dad what he wanted to do,Nathaniel gave him the keys and told him to be safe. Noah snuck away hoping hed be back before his absence was noticed and drove to Narahs. He called her to come out and drove off once she got in the car. He parked on the side of the road. Opening Narahs door. He took hold of her hand and they quickly made their way to the cemetery. Narah-Babe slow down. Noah stopped long enough to let Narah climb on his back and continued on to his mums headstone. Narah got off when they stood infront of it. Noah used the light on his phone to shine it on her grave. Narah saw it decorated with pictures of Noah and his sisters as kids upto now. The frames told a story of their life growing up. Drawings from school and placed beside her grave were Noah and Nivas graduation certs and his parents wedding picture showing a heavily pregnant shaye with Nathaniel smiling down at her. Noah was on his shoulder laughing down at his mum while Niva held her mums hand with her other placed on Shayes stomach. It was a perfectly captured moment of his Family. Narah-she is so beautiful. Noah-yeah she is. I wanted you to meet my mum....both my mums. Narah felt touched. She knelt down. Narah-Thank you for taking care of Noah until he could find me. He grew up to be a good man because you loved and cherished him. I will do the same until God wills us to come be where you are. continue to watch over us. She went and did the same with his birth mothers grave. Noah dropped her home,giving her kisses with the excuse that they needed to practice their husband and wife kiss,and quickly headed back to his family. An hour before the wedding. Niva frantically got all the girls hairs done. She was so talented with styling. The girls urged her to look into making money from it. Her aunties came over to get their done aswell before the procession headed for the church. The service was set to begin at 4 pm. The bridesmaids walked down the aisle to Az-Yets Every woman..there wasnt a dry eye in the church. They looked beautiful in maroon silk. Their lipstick complimenting their dress. Their eye shadow smokey black to give off the early 90s theme Noah and Narah were going for. They looked like they were walking out of a magazine. Niva did well. Everyone stood for the brides entry. Once the double doors opened to Narah,her arms linked between both her parents. Kai stepped foward to hand Noah the guitar and adjust the mic peice for him. Noahs expression had the guests crying when his eyes landed on his bride. He was stunned to tears. He picked a few chords. Needing to take a breath to compose himself and began singing his bride down the ailse to her utter suprise. You are to me. What poetry tries to say,with three words. You are the song, Of sweet music,my hearts ever heard. Our love will grow, As the years come and go. Ill remain by your side. Oh yes I will! And there isnt anything,that I would deny. I will stand before God. Give you all that Ive got. I will promise you,Ill be true. Ill reveal here and now, As we both take these vows. I am so inlove,I am so inlove.... with yooou.. Narah openly wept as she walked down. Her eyes never leaving Noahs. She didnt know he was going to sing the song she chose to walk down to. The guests were overwhelmed by the sight of love emanating from the couple. She reached his side. Noah-you take my breath away. Narah couldnt answer. She was trying to compose herself for the vows. The service ended as quick as it began. They were already embracing their guests who congratulated them. Narah hugged her parents crying. Noah was in the same boat. He hugged his Dad and sisters who struggled to keep their tears back. His uncles werent faring any better either. The wedding party headed to take their photos which was a blast before heading for the reception. It was a hell of a celebration. The wedding parties entrance was the start of a memorable night ahead. The guests were kept well entertained into the new year. Narahs taualuga was a loud affair. Necklaces made out of money covered her neck. Noah was sliding on the floor chee hooing and slapping the ground as Narah placed her foot on his back. They paused to start the countdown,ringing in the new year with a loud cheer. Noah-happy new year wifey! Narah-happy new year Husband :) 18 MONTHS LATER............... Narah sat on the floor,folding the last load of washing. She was proud of herself,cleaning their apartment in record time. She heard the front door open. Her husband came through the door. Noah-Hey my world. Narah-welcome home babe. How Was class? Noah-it was good. What are yoy doing? You shouldnt be straining yourself. Narah-lol Im not. Im sitting down. Noah sat down beside his wife giving her a kiss. Noah-hows my football player? He leant down and kissed his wifes stomach. Narah-lol been kicking allday. Hes ready to come out. Noah-one month to go little man and you can greet the world Nathaniel. He kissed his wife again and pulled her onto his lap to massage her back. Noah-I love you. Narah-I love you. The end..*for real this time* Happy new year Osls....stay safe #Lilcub
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:06:19 +0000

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