HERBAL REMEDIES FOR COMMON ILLNESSES 1. STROKE Technically called apoplexy, stroke means the stoppage of blood supply to a part of the brain, leading to complete or partial paralysis. CAUSES: A. Untreated or undiagnosed hypertension B. A blood clot in a part of the brain, blocking blood supply to the artery C. Clotting of the arteries D. Bursting open of a blood vessel in the brain SYMPTOMS: 1. Breathing becomes difficult e.g. in asthma 2. Skin becomes wet and sticky to the touch 3. Speech becomes difficult and inaudible 4. Paralysis of part of the body from head to foot or of the whole body 5. Unconsciousness PREVENTION: The best way to prevent strokes is to control your blood pressure. Any one who is forty years and above should consider him/herself a potential hypertension patient and take all necessary precautions. Check your blood pressure at least once a week. Take as little salt as possible. Cultivate a positive attitude to life. Forgive those who offended you. Do regular physical exercises. Be honest with yourself, your fellow human beings and with God. Drink plenty of water, especially early in the morning and before retiring at night TREATMENT: FORMULA 1 Materials: A. Fresh pawpaw leaves B. Fresh leaves of Avocado pear C. Water Recipe: Put an equal amount of A and B in a medium sized pot. Then fill the pot with water. Bring to boil Dosage: 1 glass thrice a day for 2 months. FORMULA 2 Materials: A. Bitter leaf B. Water Recipe: Squeeze the leaves in water Dosage: Take two glasses thrice daily for 2 months. Bitter leaf solution calms the nerves, strengthens the muscles and cleanses the system. I have seen what marvels bitter leaf extract has done for many people and I testify that is good. Note: this preparation is also good for diabetes. HOW TO MAKE A STROKE LOTION This preparation is for external application only. Materials: A. Dried pawpaw leaves B. Palm-kernel oil Recipe: Mix 6 tablespoonfuls of the dried, powdered pawpaw leaves with 1/2 a glass of palm-kernel oil and apply to the affected parts twice a day.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 07:50:01 +0000

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