HERE IS A STORY IN THE ORAL TRADITION TO SHED SOME LIGHT FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO SEE THE END OF OPPRESSION AND EXPLOITATION! Imagine that 12 people are representative of the whole of humanity! Now, out of those, only ONE is most wicked and truly evil in his treatment of most everything around him! Therefore, he comes to be the ruler of the other 11. He controls their wealth, their land, their jobs, their houses, their resources, their minds, their faith, their laws, their education, and all else! When anyone complains, he threatens them, so the 11 learn silence! For years, their silence was their shield, and they endured such voluminous misery without expression! Now, as time moved on in this 12-person world, two individuals were touched by the Creator, the Ancestors, and their direct experience with life. They could no longer remain silent under the conditions in which they had lived. Thus, they began to share among themselves their feelings, thoughts, ideas, questions, and experiences, when and where nobody else could see. And, they came to realize just how evil the ONE truly was, so they began to plan, plot, and live accordingly. In their hearts, they developed a deep love for themselves and the other 9 and even a little love for the One! The Creator reinforced their understanding! Initially, they thought the other 9 were as evil as the ONE! But, they soon learned that the 9 were not evil at all, and that they just agreed with the ONE because he gave them what they needed: food, shelter, clothes, and other items. After great preparation, the two decided to approach one of the nine on a certain day, but they knew it had to be done in secret, out of the view of the others, especially the ONE. They proceeded and said to the one who they thought was most like them in their understanding, if we help you with your needs and show you how to live without the ONE, would you leave the ONE and be with us, together! And, to their joy, she agreed! Then the three set to work on gaining more resources and more understanding, and when they were strong enough, they discreetly approached another; he agreed! And, so, it went, until 8 out of the 9 left the ONE, without him knowing! Now, the ONE had only one defender left, and the 10, now united in just goodness and love for one another, on a well-planned day, confronted the ONE and his lonely defender. The Ten, feeling very bold and strong, said what is it going to be, the ONE or US, and the lonely defender looked out at the strength arrayed against him, and as his legs shook, he dropped his weapon and exclaimed to the ONE, I never truly liked your ways, so long!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 19:25:50 +0000

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