HERE IS CHAPTER ONE OF VIXEN THE KILLER We dashed over to - TopicsExpress


HERE IS CHAPTER ONE OF VIXEN THE KILLER We dashed over to the first story window and slowly tried to open the window. “I know your still here you won’t escape!” we here in the distance. How did we get in this mess? I ask jess. She says we’ll we had to frame Vixen of murdering his family. Why did we have to go and do that? I ask scared. I don’t know but I wish we hadn’t because now he is trying to kill us! Maybe if we keep calm and stay quiet he won’t find us. I say reassuringly. Maybe says jess we hear the sound of his blade in the background. We are in an old abandoned factory building in pitch blackness this really won’t turn out too good for us. But I’m not going to tell jess that. We here the blade and this time it sounded closer. I tug at the window it starts to open a little I tug at it harder and the lock gives in and the window opens all the way the lights from the road shine in the building. And we see vixen with the blade coming right for us. There he is!! Jess starts screaming. Hold on we’re getting out of this alive! I grab a random light bulb from the ground and throw it at vixen it hits him in the head and stuns him. “I’ve got you know” he shouts at the top of his lungs with the blade swinging. Jess jump b..b.. but…she stammers. Jump! I say you’ll be ok. I’ll be right behind you I promise. She smiles and says ok. And she jumps out the window I jump right after her. We escape vixen for now. We continue running through the woods until we are certain that vixen is nowhere near us before we even think of stopping. About ten minutes later we stop and take a break. We have to go to the authorities. Says jess. No we can’t why? I ask. Because then they will make us leave our family and put in another city I can’t live a double life James I just can’t! Alright alright I say. We won’t tell anyone I promise. Thanks. But we do need a way to defend ourselves in case he returns. How do you propose we do that? Well there is a gun store about a quarter mile into town. No say jess were underage they won’t give us a gun. I know that just go with me on this we need one and were going to take one tonight. You mean steal? No I I can’t says jess. No you can this is what we need to do to survive I mean either this plan or go to the police. No I can’t says jess. Then no choice but to steal a gun. Sigh ok. Says jess. We will steal a gun. Good now that we are on the same page. Lets start walking to the store. What’s it called? “Fire Arms”. We start walking over towards the gun store. About twenty minutes or so we finally arrived at the gun store. I turn around and look at jess remember play it cool and remember the plan. I know steal a gun she says. Shhh! I say be quiet about it. I start to walk in the store and turn around jess is starring at the wall. I can’t do this. She says. Fine I will do it just stay here and don’t do anything to attract attention. Ok thanks. Yeah. I say. Walking towards the store I will be out in a few minutes. Right as I walk in the guy says “hey you look too young to be here” I’m not to young. “let me see your license then” he says. I don’t have one. That’s what I thought get out! He says. I walk out the door this is going to be harder than I thought. I say to myself. Did you get it? No we have to wait till the store closes and then break in. are you serious? I never broke into any store in my life. Yeah we’ll we have to do it. There is no other choice. Aww. Says jess. We wait by the woods out of sight of the store owner. It must have been around ten oclock when the store owner came out and locked the store up for the night. He said something that sounded like “goodnight old Betsey till another day!” we gave him ten minutes to get away before we crept to the store. How are we going to get in? Asked jess. I look around and find a brick. One the count of three I’m going to break the window…One…Two…Three without thinking I throw the brick through the window and smash the whole window. And the alarm sounds real loud. I run in and grab the first gun I see and a box of shells for the gun and we run out of the store and continue running till we are far, far away. We heard police sirens in the background. We had successfully stolen the gun! This is so crazy says jess. What? We escaped vixen barley and now we have stolen a gun I guarantee there was a camera at the store with our picture on it. I don’t think I saw one I said. This whole night is crazy it’s exhilarating. I think you like this a little too much I say. You were afraid to break in after all. So that doesn’t mean im not enjoying this. Ok I say laughing. As we approach a small town in the middle of the woods. This is weird I say. Uh yeah this really is. We walk towards one of the houses jess looks over towards a window and almost jump’s as she sees a head looking at her then going back in from the curtain. What? I ask. There are people in these houses. I thought there would be it’s a neighborhood after all I say. It’s not funny I’m scared. You’ll be ok. I say. As we walk closer to the house there was a loud noise we looked back and we fell through the floor literally five feet in the ground we fell in a trap! Help. Screamed jess. As we looked up to six people all staring down at us from above. Then what we heard next almost scared us both to death. You you’re not vixen. No I say. Who are you and what are you doing setting off our traps? We’ll first off I say you freaks. Don’t get smart with us we’ll leave you to your demise. He’s sorry. Says jess. Are you going to tell me how you ended up in our traps or not? Yes it’s a long story. Says jess. We’ll shorten it up I don’t have time for a long story. It happened like this we were in the old abandoned factory where vixen murdered his family. You idiots went in his factory? Why the hell would you do that? It was a mistake a huge mistake anyway we escaped and to defend ourselves we got a gun. I show them the gun. And then we ran an ended up here it’s the truth please believe us. Hmm the man turns to the rest of the people they huddle up. This is crazy jess they won’t believe us and even if they do they might kill us. No I have a good feeling about these people we will be ok trust me. Fine I say. About a minute later the man bends down and offers us a hand jess goes first then he helps me up. You guys were in trouble now you are in good hands. My names Marvin. Maria go start some hot chocolate. Come in and sit down we go in Marvin’s house and sit down. You told your story I will tell you mine. Maria hands us a cup of hot chocolate. Everybody you see in this group have been attacked by vixen. But we found ways to protect ourselves you see vixen won’t attack because he is outnumbered and out gunned. And he can’t attack at night we don’t give him the chance every night one of us stays up all night and watches over the camp provides us protection. But what if they fall asleep on the job? Never happens because the person who is on duty is required to sleep most of the day so that they stay up at night to protect us. That is a great idea. Says jess. Now If you guys want to stay here for awhile you can. But if you do you too have to help out and protect us are you ok with this? I am I say we look at jess. I need an answer sweetie. Marvin looks at jess. Yes she says with a smile. Excellent should I show you to your bedrooms? Yeah thanks says jess. As we walk down the long darkened hallways jess turns to marvin and says “by the way my names Jess and he’s Steven. Marvin smiles and says nice to meet you both. We open the bedroom there was a king sized bed a few dressers and a tv. Better get some shut eye tomorrow starts a brand new day. Said marvin. We close the door and prepare ourselves for sleep. It’s past midnight on a dark night about three hundred yards away vixen was there spying on us perhaps getting ready too bad we didn’t know at the time we thought we were safe at this farm house.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:12:10 +0000

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