HES STILL WORKING IT OUT!! I can imagine Jicho Pevu have - TopicsExpress


HES STILL WORKING IT OUT!! I can imagine Jicho Pevu have accomplished their story on King David on how he used state resources and machinery to marry and impregnate Bathsheba then to add insult to injury King David killed Uriah his chief usher!!!!!! What was done in the secret kingly chambers now exposed!!! With all the social media frenzy David decided to cry out... Oooh Lord save my baby!! He cried for his unnamed son borne out of his rendezvous with Bathsheba. He knew Gods mercies are new every morning and he was counting upon the rock of his salvation.... But God struck the child instead... Was God being deaf or ignorant no hes just God!!! Many times like David we hold onto things onto people whom God wants struck out of our lives!!! Were busy praying a keep it prayer while hes answering with a striking out move!!! Why you ask.. Coz hes God, Hes still working it out and Hes Omniscient, All knowing!!! God knew if he let that son live because of the circumstances surrounding his birth hed never ascend to the throne. God knew hed bless David with another son Solomon who would be his heir!!! David was wise to let go!!! He knew Gods still working it out!!! Picture Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane pleading with God remove this cup... Not my will but yours my Father!! God allowed him to drink the cup of suffering so that today you and me have eternal life!! The great apostle Paul cried three times.. Remove this thorn in my flesh its sooo painful Lord!!! But God answered My grace is sufficient for you!!! Life will never unfold the way youve programmed it. Life will not answer to your time plans. Theres an all knowing God whos in perfect control. Youre mere mortal, youre not all knowing..... Trust in the God who never fails. Embrace the process embrace the pain, embrace the lesson and keep drawing from grace and more grace!!! The Israelites would never appreciate the milk and honey in Canaan till they went through the harsh wilderness.... But Gods presence never left why coz God was still at work!!! In the midst of your fire lift up a praise why because HES STILL WORKING IT OUT!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 11:24:49 +0000

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