HI! everybody! I want to tell a Legend of my Country! The Borox - TopicsExpress


HI! everybody! I want to tell a Legend of my Country! The Borox Vampire youtube/watch?v=xioO5_nztB4 This is a traduction of page from Spain with Google traductor, sorry for the bad english hehe. In autumn 1983 , Miguel G. Aracil ( Spanish writer and researcher) , opened her home to a Toledo lawyer, resident in Madrid, whose research , relating to a Spanish vampire, wanted to share with him anonymously. The story the lawyer told him , spoke of a coffin arrived at the port of Cartagena, the mid-nineteenth century , which was stored there for a while , until it was claimed by a particular de La Coruña. The coffin was immediately taken by road making stops at various locations . A few days later , coinciding with the itinerary of the coffin, several cases of vampirism occur . Alhama de Murcia , Almería , Toledo, Borox , Santillana del Mar, Comillas and La Coruña, are the villages through which passed the hearse and coffin, and where he produced deaths from bleeding , again according to the testimony of the informant Miguel Aracil . Not found in Corunna the applicant , the coffin was returned to Cartagena soon , where he takes over a Serbian nobleman who lived at an inn in the main street of Alhama de Murcia. Nobody gets to see it mentioned aristocrat by day, making their appearances only when night falls . Apparently , the noble lacked financial means good otherwise not lie in a simple inn so little pomp . Noble , disappeared from public life as mysteriously as it had appeared , and the coffin was buried in the cemetery of Cartagena, shortly thereafter. This is the story that Gomez Miguel Aracil , heard from the lips of Madrid lawyer and investigator (which we do not know his name) and leave us a part of being true. It is said that in 1915 , an old woman claimed to have met in Murcia a Polish aristocrat of great physical resemblance to the noble Serbian . The story would end there , swelling , once again , the Fortean themes, but for the excellent work done by the Catalan Jordi Ardanuy researcher , who traveled to the places mentioned in this story, in situ and checking everything was to truth or lie about it . The first thing this remarkable researcher, was directed to the place where he first made his appearance the coffin. In Cartagena, Ardanuy sought any records in the cemeteries of Our Lady of Remedios and San Antón, where personal data may meet deceased course , time and date of the funeral , burying type log , etc. . Our investigator knew that at any cemetery these data remains in the records, including the fees paid and a comment on the burial . Unfortunately , there was nothing of what I wanted and did not give the damn coffin signals exist. The next step was to consult historians and various local files Navy Cartagena, but neither confirmed , even part of the story. Without giving option to discouragement , the researcher resorted to from the Maritime Customs Cartagena with the hope that there will give a report , but the head of the administration said no so old reports were kept, and these were cremated after some time . However he said that, if a foreign coffin this , going through customs, would have presented health certificates , and after returning from Corunna, and once the Serbian disappeared , the Governor would have published a notice in Official Gazette of the Province with the intention to be in charge of burial . However, none of these was any record . Willing to go the business , Jordi Ardanuy this time directed his steps towards the towns where allegedly passed the coffin of contention. In Calasparra, no matters involving vampirism is not remembered, and went to the small town of Borox , located about fifty kilometers from Madrid and in the province of Toledo , where he was known , had spent the sarcophagus , as long as the story Aracil . There Ardanuy found very willing to talk about the festival of bullfighting neighbors, but nothing of the vampire. Asking to one and only got strange looks and raised eyebrows is a sign of ignorance. Our research began to despair and was about to throw in the towel, when he met in a local bar called The Pens , the town clerk who was paid to help in their investigations. With this, the secretary gave an old woman in her sixties , who claimed to have heard of that and so sought vampire. His memories were obscured by the mists of time but his words were still able to deliver what he had heard a child ; a man who sucked the blood of their fellow men . For the first time , Ardanuy thought, there was an indication of the accuracy of the vampire but would be better confirmation from another source. With this idea in his head, our investigator moved to social club for elderly , looking for new information. The place he found a group of grandparents who presented him with attention and filled her ears with stories and anecdotes of the people, but in no time Borox Vampire nothing was mentioned . Some , answering questions of the investigator, denied having ever heard such a story and others just say that this story could not be true , despite having as a neighbor to a woman who claimed to have heard that legend. Discouraged , Jordi Ardanuy , left the village with the only witness to the elderly . However, before we finally left town , the town clerk , who had promised to help him in his research , came to him saying that he had located another elder confirming the vampire story , but unfortunately , the witness is not in a position to provide further details . One way or another , Ardanuy showed that history had overtones of being authentic . Two people , both of considerable age , and they could only know the morbid history through oral tradition, avalaban its veracity. The researcher attempts in the Cantabrian localities of Santillana del Mar and Comillas, were unsuccessful. La Coruna , Almeria, Murcia Alhama de Toledo or , neither gave satisfactory results in finding the Vampire. Our investigator asked , quite rightly, why the coffin route , followed a strange path , it is redirected to Cantabria, if your final destination was La Coruña. It is possible , he thought, that his intentions were different and never stepped Galicia. The legend of the vampire speculates that Serbian and coffin were the same person , and that its objectives were touring the country from end to end , feeding on the blood of the unwary and leaving from there immediately , without suspicion , to your next destination in another town. After completing the course , the coffin back to their place of origin, in Cartagena, where the very late would take care of him until the country could disappear . Who claimed the coffin from La Coruña , was it the same person who later introduced himself as a noble Serbian in Cartagena? If the story is true , it is likely yes. Be that as it may, true or not this legend , Jordi Ardanuy Baró , able to show that the legend was not just a story and that after this one that real or terrible event imaginary forced people to speculate about the vampire Borox hid
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 12:13:05 +0000

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