HILLSIDE HELPS-“…If any man will come after me, let him deny - TopicsExpress


HILLSIDE HELPS-“…If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) Following Jesus is possible only if one is first willing to abandon all self-centered and flesh driven desires and dreams. His calling is to leave behind all things which would ever demand the place of priority in one’s life. This is no easy task in a world that promotes and worships self. In our culture we are told to love, promote, and elevate yourself. More emphasis has been place in the demanding of rights for self. So, now we have a society that is “victim oriented”. Self and its carnal demands must be denied and forsaken for it is impossible to love or follow two masters. The clear teaching of Jesus does not allow for “dual” masters, such as God or materialism; Jesus or riches. The commitment Jesus calls for is born out of a willingness to deny all other things, including self. It is a commitment that requires a clear break from worldly influences and self-centeredness. Self and its fallen nature is the enemy to happy marriages, contented workers, and church unity. It drives a wedge between families and neighbors. Self requires the front of every line and the best seat in every arena. Self is easily angered and offended. Self seldom rests, for it is the means by which the tempter troubles us most. Lustful desires, driven by the flesh, persuade men and women to do what they feel are best at the expense of what is right and honorable to God. Husbands and wives formerly in love and committed only to each other are led astray by the desires of self and end up going their separate ways. To follow God’s plan for your life, Christian, you must continuously refuse to give in to the cravings driven by self. This is a commitment that requires constant attention. Every day you live, self and the flesh will place high demands and tempt you to make wrong choices in your life. Following Jesus also demands that we take up our personal cross daily. This is a symbol of dying to self and not permitting self to control our thoughts and actions. Paul explained it this way, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me…” (Gal. 2:20a) As a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells within. He must have control of otherwise, self will have control. As we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives, then you will be able to faithfully follow Jesus. Today, learn to deny yourself instead of indulging yourself. Abandon the old nature and its cravings and allow the Holy Spirit to fill, control, teach and guide you in life. (Bro. Jerry McNeer) PLEASE SHARE WITH OTHERS)
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 11:02:37 +0000

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