HOUSE OF REPS MEMBER REPRESENTING MADAGALI/ FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY TITSI GANAMA KWAGGA SAID THE SITUATION IN THE REGION WORSENED. For weeks the Nigerian military have been fighting for the area with Boko Harm insurgents, who try to capture the territories of Adamawa State. In another attempt to take control over the area, . According to Daily Trust, Kwagga said the situation was devastating, describing his constituency as a no-go-area. _Today it is over three weeks since the insurgents invaded the area and the situation is getting even worse. It is really an issue of humanitarian crisis; people are dying and nobody to bury the dead because everybody has ran to the mountains for safety. People are now dying of hunger while the insurgents are still in full control of the town. They have fully occupied the place and are killing people and burning houses. The situation is really getting worse._ READ ALSO: He begged the authorities to deploy troops to the constituency to win back the area and to rescue people from the hand of captors. Kwagga also stated that with the current situation it was hard to imagine that scheduled bye-elections can be conducted in the area. _Nobody can have access to Michika and Madagali now. Even if the relevant agencies are willing to take relief materials there they cannot gain access; the place has been completely taken over by the insurgents and nobody can enter. As long as the place is not secured, there is virtually no other way. The only way out is for the federal government to mobilize and deploy troops to free that place. As far as I am concerned, my constituency is a no-go area now. I dont know what will happen between now and the day of the election but as I am talking to you, I dont know how an election can be conducted in a place under siege._ It would be recalled that end of September , Kubi and Watu, leaving the residents in despair.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 10:41:32 +0000

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