HOW DO I KNOW THAT I HAVE HOLY SPIRIT IN ME? Many today have fall - TopicsExpress


HOW DO I KNOW THAT I HAVE HOLY SPIRIT IN ME? Many today have fall away from the truth gospel of Christ,because they did not understand word of God and some being led astray through errotic teaching on Holy spirit. Many denomination teach that,you have Holy spirit when you are abe to speak in tongues: This teaching have make many people believe in an error,to the extent that most of them went to theology school to learn ghana,kotonou,chineese,japanise,indian language and have the believe that they were filled with Holy spirit. Many today speak in tongues whereas they dont know Jesus Christ the giver of the spirit. Many preachers,said that we cant have Holy spirit in this generation because the work of Holy spirit is to inspire the the apostle to write the word of God(bible) and the word of God is finished so there is no need of holy spirit. And more also,it is only the apostles of Christ that have power to lay hand on people to receive Holy spirit and there is no apostles now. Some people believe that it is when you can be able to heal the sick,raise the dead that you have Holy spirit in you. All these are error that dont have root in the word of God. Ok,mr preacher,how then will i know that i have Holy spirit if all you mentioned above is not an evidence for me? Beloved to know maybe you have Holy spirit in you is not when you are able to speak in tongues. The only evidence that prove that you have Holy spirit in you is by possess the fruit of the spirit,you might be surprise that is that all?is that should be the case,it is preacher Joshua that teach error because Jesus said,he that believe in Him will speak in a new tongue,is the word of God have no effect again? I purposely say these,because is part of what many preachers used to deceive you and teach you ghanian language and you now confortable in an error. But the fruit of the spirit is love,joy,peace,longsuffering,gentleness,goodness,faith,meekness,temperance,against such there is no law,(galatian5:22-23). Nobody can have the fruit of the spirit without having the spirit Himself,as it is not posible to have mango fruit without it tree,so also you cannot have the fruit of the spirit without posses the holy spirit. Fruit of the spirit is singular,a real child of God must posses all without lacking one,for if you lack one you lack all. You can perform wonders and miracles even without having Holy spirit,you can speak in tongues even when holy spirit is not your director(matthew24:24). Dont misquote me,we still have people that are gifted with the gift of speaking in tongues through the power of holy ghost but still it does decently and moderately. Fruit of the spirit confirm holy spirit in you not gift of the holy spirit alone,because there are many false preachers that performs signs and wonders including speaking in tongues yet they remain the workers of devil. Beloved,pray to God and He will give you the spirit and then you will produce the fruit of the spirit which prove that you have the holy spirit in you. Bible say as many that are led by the spirit of God they are the children of God. If you check tour life and see all these nine fruit of the spirit present there no doubt,you have the holy spirit. If before you gave your life to Christ you lack love,peacepatient,but now you see yourselve showing the love of God,make peace with everyone even those that offend you,and also all other fruit are manifesting,belove no confusion you have possessed the holy spirit. THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT CONFIRM HOLY SPIRIT IN YOU. MAKE SURE YOU POSSESS ALL IF YOU WANT TO MAKE HEAVEN,FOR WITHOUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT NO ONE CAN MAKE HEAVEN. IN EVERYTHING REMEMBER,NO GRACE AFTER GRAVE(hebrew9:27,ecclessiates9:10).
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:45:19 +0000

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