HOW HAS THE ASPECT OF FAILING CONSTITUTIONS AFFECTED THE INDEPENDENCE OF AFRICAN COUNTRIES???? Since 1950’s when the wind of change which resulted into the open up of the road for the attainment of independence on the African continent, the ghosts of colonialism have continued to manifest themselves In the present governance of Africa. This miscalculation has costed Africa of its intended spirit of social and political sovereignty held during the course of independence struggle. Majority of the initial sons of Africa that received the instruments of power at their respective memorable independence moments , outrageously betrayed the question of constitutionalism when they placed themselves as the god fathers and canon rulers of the newly independent Africa. Their over stay in power laid a fertile ground for the current dictatorship and failing constutionalism in Africa. Kenneth Kaunda, 1964-1991, Julius Nyerere, 1964-1985, its only death that saved the continuation of Jomo Kenyatta’s grip on power 1964-1978, Nnamdi Azikiwe was saved by one of the first and model African military coup d’etats of 1966 that blew him out of the office. In 1969 the then captain of Libya muammar el Gaddafi over threw Idris 1 and declared himself a leader and a colonel til his death in 2011(Like how he came and so he went) This foundation which neglected constitutionalism when leaders decided to cling on power at its expense, has surely led to the occurrence of this trend todate and thus the dissolution of the sovereignity of African countries. This physcological disaster is currently transpiring in African governments through renewed forms, for instance, the African continent is now being plagued by renewal of term limits cited among many incumbent presidents, seeking to prolong their presidential tenures. A case in point is the Late Fredrick Chiluba who was discouraged by the Zambian populance to renew his presidential bid after his constitutional terms had ended. In 2005 president Yoweri Museven MacKaguta of Uganda struggled tirelessly and successfully to change article 105(2) of the constitution to suit his continued stay in power , where term limits where denounced giving him a golden chance to extend his bid to now over 30 years in power. Thus its imperative to observe that the question of failing constitutionalism on the African Continent has limited the thrive of African sovereignity and instead resulted into continued insecurity on the continent, claiming millions of lives in conflicts at the expense of developmental avenues that would instead strengthen the continent’s social and political sovereignity. source and reference is myself ssaka siraj SSAKA SIRAJ MAYOR
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 11:05:18 +0000

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