HOW I BECAME THE PERSON (Love Doc) I AM TODAY For the past years, - TopicsExpress


HOW I BECAME THE PERSON (Love Doc) I AM TODAY For the past years, I have been getting a huge number of messages from my friends and fans asking me how I became a Love Doctor, where I get the words I post, what do I gain and many other related questions. Well, to answer y’all, the experience I went through in my past relationships: The heartbreaks, loving wrong people, incurring all my trust and hope in the wrong people, wasting my time and energy on the wrong people, planning my future with the people who were temporary in my life, and the games they played with my innocent and delicate heart made me become the person I am today. I got so devastated and I regretted my lost time. I pondered about everything that I had done and experienced in the past years. I started blaming myself for being too blind on some obvious things. But as I was blaming myself, I heard a voice in me telling me Taofeeq dont blame yourself, everything that happened in your past happened for a reason. The best is ahead of you. That one voice gave me strength to carry on with life. But all that I had experienced gave me a lesson and it groomed me into a man I am now. At one time I talked to myself, Im I the only one in this world who has ever been terribly hurt? My heart told me nope. I then realized that there are many other people out there going through the worst situation than me and they need advice, words of comfort and hope. What happened next? One day I logged on Facebook just like the way you usually do and wrote a small piece of advice about Love and relationships and I posted it on my timeline. Guess what happened? My then few friends liked it and shared it so many times. I went ahead and did the same the following days. In few months my posts became viral on the internet. As I remember very well, there was a female friend of mine from USA who commented on one of my posts saying you are a Love Doctor. And you know what happened next? Everyone started calling me Doc, doc, doc... That gave me more courage. Words started flowing out of me on their own every day. I reached to a point where I could feel a strong headache because of the many words (advice) I had in my noddle. In fact it became my addiction to always log on Facebook and put up something to inspire and motivate people out there. I had reached to a point where I couldnt stop the words that were running in my mind. In the long run I started rediscovering myself. I realized that I had become someone so important to peoples lives with my words and advice. You may ask yourself what do I gain in what I’m doing, and you may also think I earn some dollars out of it. To speak out the truth, I don’t earn any coin in what I’m doing. I’m not sponsored by any organizations just like how some people and pages are. I’m doing everything freely because I know there was a time in my life when I also needed advice and nobody was there to give it to me. So, I said to myself, since I have a talent which is beneficial to people, why not using it to help them and save their relationships? I made a vow to my heart and God to inspire people till I expire. The only thing I gain in what I’m doing is God’s blessings and they are incomparable to money and other earthly material things. Sincerely speaking, I’m so happy and contented with what I’m doing. Bottom line: When something hurting or breaking happens in your life, dont hate yourself. Just know it happens/happened for a reason. Be sad about it, but accept the change its bringing in your life to become a better person. Remember nothing happens to us without Gods concern. God runs our life in many ways. He knows everything we are going through and he knows what’s best for each and every one. Also never ever give a blind eye about your dream and blessings. Always believe and have confidence in yourself. Know that you have a talent in you and it can be of help to someone out there. Always accept the change that God is trying to bring in your life. Dont block it and dont bang the door He is trying to close. Be humble and accept God to lead and guide you to a better path. It might be of finding someone new to love, finding a new job, putting out your talent, fulfilling a dream or anything. But whatever it is embrace it with love! I love y’all and stay blessed. Your brother, Amoo Taofeeq.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 07:40:13 +0000

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