HOW IDEALISM HAVE CHANGED FINISH MATERIALIST TO BECOME IDEAL Many of you think, how good country Finland is, but do you understand, how it´s becoming to such have happen and what they are now coming under the Worlds very low peoples power bad influences, when some of them in Finland have resonated with such ones and spoilt that “our” “common good” -mechanism. Could “B&B In” be the way, where that “Goodness becoming to practice” -principle spreads also here to Asia and becomes so again also to them like in “my country” (which have newer exist) way to life? “We” have on North part of Finland gold weather desert area, where life is really hard, and which have been the “Lebensraum” to go to the middle of there living poor people, who need and controversy gives them help. That area name is Lapland. Lap-land´s name etymology is something, which means like “yellow peoples territory to escape”. It is really magic and full of spirits, space to mental and eternity to such ones, who have skill to resonate with such things. There we have here and there wilderness huts, to which everyone can go overnight to rest and sleep, but where is for example such common, and happily sustained, because most of us have resonance with such pure good idea, habit, that every quest lets that building and its surrounding to better shape, than it were, when they come there. It have happen, because on hard life examines them strongest have just die and (which have stay alive to do things, which gives the life, because use those principles) and some have learn becoming leaders with them understand, how they can with me, the 6´s principles, get better conditions to life on the border, where life can exist. So they have put my principle trough them own behavior to common habits, which sustain common good, which comes from to be one with ideas. Have no one seen any such one good habits anywhere else on the world, which is from me…, Yellow “peril” on Finland flag, with which the red ones goes as my “court” (of deceitfulness) turning my ideas to object form… If you are human, your beha-vior is from your free mind existing “to be one with ideas” -true, but if you are robot, what to do to such ones, if they are harm-ful… I did not will such, which WILL happen, happen to you all, but robots will! That is them, Nazis, symbol from India and them way to adjust them breedings.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 04:04:30 +0000

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