HSE FACTS OF LIFE On February 13, 2014, the PTO welcomed Dr. - TopicsExpress


HSE FACTS OF LIFE On February 13, 2014, the PTO welcomed Dr. Brian Smith, Superintendent, and Mike Reuter, CFO, who candidly shared the financial challenges and budget deficits HSE faces. A few of the more poignant and disturbing facts shared were as follows: THE BASICS: ~ Hamilton Southeastern Schools currently run on a general fund budget of approximately $110M annually. HSE has reduced its expenses by $13M since 2008-09. ~ In 2013-14, 350 children joined the school district. Our budget allowed for the hiring of three teachers district-wide to accommodate this increase. THE PROBLEM: ~ HSE is the second lowest funded public school district in the state with significantly higher funding going to districts defined as more “complex.” This complexity index is defined by % of students receiving reduced/free lunches. The allocation of these complexity dollars are not measured by or tied to performance in any way and there is no mandate on or guidance for how the dollars are spent. ~ The Indiana legislature passed SB 517, that is projected to result in an additional $1.9M loss for Hamilton Southeastern Schools in 2014 if it is not corrected in this legislative session. ~ The legislature is considering additional programs that will reduce the pot, i.e., the foundation dollars even more, e.g., preschool vouchers and pilot programs. THE BOTTOM LINE FOR GES: ~ Without additional funding, we will lose teachers and combine classes. Our average of 27.3 students/class would increase. DISTRICT SOLUTIONS: ~ Referendum renewal in 2017 may need to increase from 10 cents/$100 to 18 cents. (Of note: HSE would still be on the low end comparatively.) ~ May need to cut transportation in 3-years to protect the classroom and avoid cutting teachers/staff/suppli. ~ Redistricting to be planned in 2014 and take effect in the fall of 2015. PARENT SOLUTIONS: ~ Be heard. Spread the word & contact your Representatives: a. Complexity Dollars should and must be tied to performance. b. HSE students and teachers are suffering and will not be able to sustain performance.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:25:00 +0000

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