HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY... THE SCC WEBSITE IS NOW LIVE AND READY TO BE SEEN... SONG COLLECTORS COLLECTIVE Celebrates the launch of a unique online archive of traditional song and story recorded from the English Gypsy, Irish and Scottish Traveller and settled community alive today. September 9th 2013 at 12pm Proving that in 2013 the spirit of Alan Lomax of Cecil Sharp is not dead the SCC is pleased to announce the launch of a brand new online archive of over 250 never before heard traditional songs and stories collected from living ‘Tradition Bearers’. The Song Collectors Collective was set up in 2012 by Mercury Prize nominated singer Sam Lee with the purpose of celebrating those people conserving this rare folk culture within their family and communities in the UK, Ireland & beyond. The SCC would like to acknowledge the generous funding from the Arts Council Ireland and support from The Nest Collective. The collective and its extensive web resources are also aimed at up-skilling and empowering a new generation of collectors while inspiring the on-going exploration of and creativity within folk and roots culture. The SCC is a unique and expanding archive of living traditional folk song, lore and story and the tool kit of how to research this material today. With the recent launch of the ‘Full English Project’ by the English Folk Dance and Song Society the world has recently gained access to a vast new repository of manuscript music collected up until the second world war. The SCC seeks to add to this public collection by making available never before heard sounds and films of singers and songs deemed to be extinct in the oral tradition. This material has been recorded mostly from living members of the Irish Traveller, Scots Traveller and English Gypsy as well as wider settled community. The SCC celebrates not just the songs but the ‘Tradition Bearers’ themselves each of whose unique page is full of resource material about the singer or teller with photos and films and inbuilt sounds listening posts. Despite wide assumption within the folk community that all the traditional singers have long passed away and no more material exists within the oral tradition, it has become quite evident there is still a wealth of music and tales unrecorded within the minds of singers who have never before encountered the wider traditional music community. The SCC was established to make sure that on-going documentation of this indigenous folk art is attempted before the last carriers of our native arts passed on. It also seeks to make sure that the communities that have kept this material alive have full and permanent access to their ancestral songs and stories. The Website initially hosts 13 profiles of singers from across the British Isles and Ireland and hosts over 250 songs and stories and over 10 films. Each song is downloadable through the Soundcloud widget. The SCC also hosts a program of workshops, concerts and seminars exploring the on-going art of field recording. The website will officially be made public on the 9th September
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 09:33:49 +0000

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