HUNGER NEVER TAKES A HOLIDAY!!! Today (January 1st) marks the - TopicsExpress


HUNGER NEVER TAKES A HOLIDAY!!! Today (January 1st) marks the start of a new year. Yes today is New Year’s Day! For most of us it’s a day to take off work, gather with family & friends for a nice meal & even watch a few football games. However if you’re homeless it’s a totally different story. The new year dawned in Dallas today as cold, windy & raining. Not the greatest weather if you are living in a cardboard box under a bridge. And if youre homeless it’s of little consolation that it’s New Year’s Day & everybody is on holiday---you still need to eat today. So what’s the SoupMobile doing today—New Years Day? After all we like holidays to. And by any measure I think I can humbly say that we do right by the homeless the other 364 days of the year. In fact in a typical year the SoupMobile serves an amazing & astounding 200,000 meals to the homeless in Dallas, Texas. Yeah, I think we’ve earned New Year’s Day off. Right??? WRONG!!! In truth I must be the luckiest Executive Director of a charity on the planet. The SoupMobile’s written policy gives our staff the day off on New Year’s Day! But my staff just ignores that written policy & comes in anyway. Yes—you heard right! We tell them to stay home & they come in anyway. My amazing staff ‘Gets it’ that Hunger Never Takes a Holiday. They understand that when Jesus said “Feed MY Sheep” he did NOT put an asterisk that said ‘but NOT on holidays.’ Please understand that there is nothing wrong with holidays. We all need them sometimes. My prayer is that today (whether you are on holiday or not) that you will do a kindness for your fellowman. Maybe buy a homeless person a meal, visit the elderly in a nursing home, put a quarter in someone’s parking meter or pray for someone in need. We can’t all be Mother Teresa’s but in our own unique way we can make a real difference in the lives of the less fortunate—even on holidays! My special thanks to my amazing staff that’s committed to serving the homeless—even on holidays! See the pictures below of the SoupMobile staff in action today. They have ‘Servants Hearts’ & are doing Christ proud today by serving the ones HE calls the ‘least of these. Please join me in thanking my amazing SoupMobile staff. May the Lord bless & keep them. Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. SoupMan
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:04:54 +0000

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