Had one of those moments this morning. Back in 1976, in - TopicsExpress


Had one of those moments this morning. Back in 1976, in college, inspired by a neighbor who could play the heck out the acoustic guitar, I decided I needed to learn to play. He said if I was serious, I should get the best one I could afford, as anything less would be a mistake. So he hooked me up with a guy in a music shop he knew in St. Louis, and worked out a deal for me if I was interested. I mentioned to mom and dad that I wanted to get a guitar, and they seemed skeptical. I think they wondered if Id stick with it, and also maybe whether it would be a distraction from my studies. But they agreed it was ok to take some of the money Id saved from my job at the golf course, and they kicked in some as well. My roommate and I drove the two-hours each way to St. Louis one evening after class to buy my first guitar, a Yamaha. AN FG-340 I think. I really knew nothing about guitars at all, except I really liked the folkies and singer-songwriters Id been listening to for a number of years. I sat there in my dorm room started listening to my albums while holding the guitar and picking along as best I could, mostly just single note melodies. At the same time, I was learning chords as well. So the first tunes I started playing there in my dorm room were simple Dylan, John Denver, Cat Stevens, etc. But Dad had retired by then and had recently re-kindled a youthful interest in the fiddle, and he and mom often went to the old-time fiddlers contests and many bluegrass shows. They loved that kind of music, and I was gaining interest in it as well. It always felt pretty great to share that with them, and I enjoyed going to the festivals and contests too. So I had already started listening to Doc Watson, Bill Monroe, and so many others about the time I got that first guitar. I very clearly remember the first time I took my guitar home to actually play for them. The very first tune I played for the two of them was Little Cabin Home on the Hill, a Bill Monroe standard. As I played, and when I finished, the two of them sat there and looked at me with utter amazement and total parental pride. Im sure it wasnt good, as I wasnt enough of a guitarist yet. But it was from the heart. And the way they smiled and heaped praise on me I felt like I had given them the most amazing gift ever. I felt like no one had ever played to a more appreciative audience. And I felt their love..... as they always showed me that so generously. Heres one of my favorite versions of the song, by Tony Rice. (For the record, I didnt play like Tony. :) And of course, I never will.). So my moment this morning was as I just randomly listened to some stuff from Tony Rice and this song came on the mix. I sat there, transfixed, and so clearly remembered that night playing for mom and dad. And the tears welled up. So I just want to say thanks mom and dad, for always making me feel loved, and for encouraging my dreams. youtube/watch?v=HsUuWAmJpRc
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:07:32 +0000

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