Happy Jazz Fest Saturday Yall! The weather will be awesome..e on - TopicsExpress


Happy Jazz Fest Saturday Yall! The weather will be awesome..e on out and play! It’s the second weekend and day 6 of Jazz Fest. This event truly brings out the best of the best in people. People are willing to help out, look out for and in general do whatever it takes to help others enjoy the event. Something as simple as a gathering of friends at a crawfish boil (thanks Chris, Bower and Jenn Lyman) can be an incredibly uplifting experience, especially when you know that everyone in attendance is an angel unaware. Thank you for the support and encouragement you provide. I believe that the majority of humans want to be loving, kind and co-exist in harmony with each other. We were created in the perfect image of God to express God. What is God? God is Love. Love is a vibration that heals. We are living in a time when this sort of thinking is taking hold across the planet. For example when we see a tragedy happening across the globe ,(via the internet or other news mediums) we feel empathy for our fellow humans in that area and, if we can, we send help and support. When we see an act of charity or love towards other humans, like someone or a group of people spending time a recourses to help and or rescue just one human, we can be moved to joyful tears . I have witnessed humans doing amazing things for other humans and have been Awed at the absolute love humans have for one another. Despite some areas of resistance in the world, the people of Planet Earth really do want to come together and we will look for any reason or medium to do it...like a world class festival As individuals were very powerful when we decide to embrace our true nature as God in expression on earth. When groups of people with like minds come together for a common cause, mountains can literally be moved. We are here to express and demonstrate our divinity as humans, the more of us that demonstrate our inner light of the Spirit of the Most High, the higher the spiritual vibration of the community around us. We have a responsibility as good stewards of our light of God to shine brightly and not keep that light under a bushel. Let us all shine brightly and come together for the common cause of uniting the planet. Let us radiate to every person that crosses our path the Love the Spirit of the Most high...because it dwells in all humans. Let us this weekend, endeavor to radiate the power of the Love God that is and can only be expressed through us regardless of what crossed our path. In Doing so we will be part of the change for the better that is sweeping the planet. One Planet, One people!
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 13:56:09 +0000

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