Happy Tuesday! Morning Grind - Cycle 1 / Day 38 Round One: Abs - TopicsExpress


Happy Tuesday! Morning Grind - Cycle 1 / Day 38 Round One: Abs & Cardio In The Books! WO Powered By: Next Too Close - R Kelly Step In The Name Of Love - Maxwell Ascension Cable Crunches: 6 sets rep til failure Hanging Knee Raises (Bosu Ball)): 6 sets rep til failure Bicycle Crunches: 6 sets rep til failure Stairmill: 40 min - 5.21 - 807.1 calories burned Stretch: 15 minutes Pre Workout: Espresso 4 oz & Water 16 oz PWM: 10 Egg Whites, Broccoli, Yellow Bell Peppers, Mushrooms & Onions. Old Fashion Oatmeal. Water 16 oz Have A Fit-Tastic Day!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:04:27 +0000

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