Harry Reid shut down the government to force you into - TopicsExpress


Harry Reid shut down the government to force you into ObamaCare. The House passed three bills. One bill defunded ObamaCare entirely. One delayed ObamaCare for a year. And one delayed the individual mandate. Harry Reid said no to all three. If we’re going to stop ObamaCare, we must make him negotiate. That’s why we’re mobilizing our network of 90,000 patriots in Nevada. They’ll pressure Harry Reid to negotiate. Will you stand with them? Sign the petition and tell Nevada patriots you’re with them – Harry Reid must negotiate! Over the last few weeks, we’ve proven that our voice matters. With the help of thousands of patriots like you, we stopped a war in Syria, made the NSA accountable, and kept House Republicans united against ObamaCare. Now we must make Harry Reid negotiate. If we don’t Defund, Delay, and Dismantle ObamaCare now, people like Harry Reid will be in charge of your health care. The House is standing strong thanks to millions of FreedomWorks activists. But, if we’re going to win, you need to act now. Sign the petition right now to make sure your voice is heard! The Democrats know how harmful ObamaCare is. That’s why they’ve exempted themselves. And they’d rather shut down the government than give you the same protection they get from their health care takeover. Make your voice heard and demand Harry Reid negotiate. Use the link below: https://secure.freedomworks.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=1238&autologin=true&JServSessionIdr004=vgmhwpsw14.app304a
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 16:59:40 +0000

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