Has Satan, the Bibles most notoriously prideful villain, managed - TopicsExpress


Has Satan, the Bibles most notoriously prideful villain, managed to brand his masterpiece religion with a signature color? In recent years, a mountain of evidence has been amassed that demonstrates how the religious governing system known as Islam fulfills the Bibles prophecies concerning a world-dominating Antichrist religion that would persecute Christians and Jews. With this understanding, once one begins to examine all the various traditions, tenets, and symbols that make Islam Islam, one begins to see Satans fingerprints all over this religion. Even the various symbols, such as the Islamic crescent (seen on every mosque and on most Islamic flags), betray Islams true pagan/satanic/demonic origins. This leads one to consider Islams prominent use of green and ask: Why, apart from all other religions, is Islam so blatantly associated with a particular color; and, further, why green? Is it a matter of happenstance -- a whim of Muhammad -- or is there perhaps something larger at play? Its been said that when God makes a truth known he does so in a variety of ways and on multiple levels. With this in mind, we pose the question: Might Islams sacred color be one of the Lords not so subtle clues about the identity of the most significant malevolent/Antichrist force to ever exist in the world? Could it be that the relationship between Islam and green is one of Gods clues, so absurdly obvious that its been overlooked by the masses, essentially hidden in plain sight for years? In an effort to keep this video brief, the broader context of the green horse prophecy (namely the other three horses of the apocalypse) is not discussed. Theories vary as to the meaning of the other horses: some propose that they also represent Islam (i.e. white horse = counterfeit religion, red horse = Islamic rule by the sword, black horse = Islamic government controlling commerce, etc. Regarding this theory, its interesting to note that virtually ALL Islamic nations use flags that consist primarily of the colors white, red, black, and green (the same colors as the four horses of the Apocalypse). Others propose that the white horse represents Catholicism, the red horse represents the spirit of Communism and the black horse the spirit of Capitalism; the green horse obviously representing Islamism. Still others interpret the prophecy in more general terms; not applying any specific world movement to any particular horse...This author tends to believe that this prophecy, like so many others in the Bible, may have multiple applications, thus revealing multiple truths. Regarding the green horse, please note that while many modern translations describe him as simply pale, in the original Greek text, the word chloros is used. Chloros means green, or yellowish pale. It is from this word we derive the word chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants. Apparently, the translators could not imagine a green horse, so gave us the word pale instead. The most recent and reliable Greek interlinear versions (i.e., the UBS 4th edition, Nestle-Aland 27th edition) accurately translate the fourth horse as being pale-green. Please note, this video is not intended to stir hatred or disrespect toward Muslims; its about exposing a religion (Islam) for what the Bible says it is. It is my hope that what is presented here will be considered with an open mind by all, particularly Muslims, who truly seek God. The Bible teaches that God has a Son; that he died on a cross, and that this Son is the only way to salvation. Islam, of course, denies these basic tenets, jeopardizing the eternal fate of its adherents. I urge any and all to do their own Bible study and prove these things for themselves. The Lord says, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. (Rev. 3:20) -- Laurie
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:57:18 +0000

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