Has the Khilafah been established in Iraq and - TopicsExpress


Has the Khilafah been established in Iraq and Sham? ======================================================== Does this “Islamic State” fulfill the requirements of a State? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. IS controls a well-defined area from Aleppo in Sham to Diyala in Iraq and from Mosul in Iraq to Dar Al-Zour in Sham. The front lines are well defined and despite American bombing on all the fronts, front lines are not only holding but in some cases IS is advancing. This is the most important fact to consider. Any state will have well defined front lines within which authority will be with that state alone. In the case of Islamic State, front lines are clear. In the west and north it stretches from Aleppo to Kobane and north of Mosul. In the east from Kirkuk to Diyala. In the south from Baghdad to Haditha Dam to Dar al-Zour and Homs. Battles are going on in the north and north east with the Kurdish YPG and Peshmerga and in the south with Syrian Alawite Army and the Shia Militia/remnants of Iraqi Army (all of them being part of American Coalition). 2. No group can hold onto such a large area and fight on all fronts except if it is a state and has support from the masses within its area. Afghan Taliban, despite fighting for the last 13 years, have no front lines, which clearly indicates that they are operating as a group and not a state, similar is the case with Al-Qaeeda in Yemen and Mali and various Jihadi groups in Libya and Somalia etc. 3. The area under IS control is in the heartland of Islam. It has estimated 8 million population. IS controls 40% of the wheat produce of Iraq and it has several cities under its control. This clearly makes it a viable state and not just a piece of barren land in some unknown desert. 4. The areas within IS control has no outside influence, the only rule which is implemented there is that of IS. IS has full control over its land and no outside power can implement its agenda in the area without fighting IS. This is the definition of a Sovereign Government i.e. the area under its control should be free from external control. This has been established beyond any doubt after America has formed a coalition against IS and started attacking it. This shows that IS authority is well established within the areas under its control. Does this “Islamic State” fulfil the sharia conditions of Khilafah? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For a state to be declared as the Khilafah it should fulfill following two conditions: 1. It should implement Islam internally and externally. IS fulfills this condition, although some of its actions might be based on different understanding of Islam, but this does not mean that it is not implementing Islam. IS has denounced Secularism, Democracy and Nationalism, all kufr concepts which have enslaved the Ummah for the last century. Islamic State is implementing Hudood, collecting and distributing Zakah, establishing Salah, enforcing Hijab (for women), and waging Jihad amongst other Islamic rules. There has not been even a single report regarding IS that they have implemented kufr rules in any of their dealings. 2. The security of the State should be with the muslims and for Islam. It is evident that IS is securing the areas under its control. None of the external powers have any authority in the area held by IS. If any outside power wants to exert its authority in the areas held by IS, it will have to fight IS to take control of the area. This is proof enough that security of the Region is with IS. The fact that area of IS is secured by Muslims and by Islam is self-evident and does not need any elaboration. Nationalism has been demolished with the demolition of Sykes-Picot Borders after 90 years, and Jihad is being waged in the name of Islam alone. It should not be said here that because America can hit IS with its air force hence the security of the land is not with IS. This is because none of the state can claim to be secure from all and every attack. Even US can be hit (rather destroyed) by all out Russian nuclear strikes. This does not mean that US does not secure the area under its control. Moreover this is not a condition for the establishment of Khilafah.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 18:49:05 +0000

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