Has this not happened, and happening? Most BOLDLY since what we - TopicsExpress


Has this not happened, and happening? Most BOLDLY since what we have been through recently. We point out where The COGS have fallen away from Gods Truth, and someone comes along and Fills that gap, but WITH LIES. They use what Gods People are saying against them! Gods people says its not the Laodicean Era someone comes along and says it is not the Laodicean Era by FALSE PRETENSE(trying to get the people to go with them. As some recently has tried to do with us). BUT with BAGGAGE, that is not of God. These College Classes are very good and I recommend listening to them. Dean Blackwells are pretty good. Id be very weary of anything past 1986, because most likely they are teaching contrary. The Series of Ezekiel is very good! “Well God sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before the land. In other words God is looking for enough righteous so he can spare the land but he ain’t gonna find none. They’re not gonna be there. So not even a man can He find to stand in the breach, that He shouldn’t destroy it. But He didn’t find one. Therefore I’ve pourn out my indignation on them I consumed them with the fire of my wrath. their own way have i recompenced on their heads. says the Lord Eternal” Ezekiel 04 By Dean Blackwell “So now He zeros in on the prophets of Israel that PROPHESY! And say you unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, hear ye the Word of the Eternal. Thus says the Lord Eternal, WOE unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! Now how many have think claimed to have seen something from God and claimed to have been commissioned by God And they haven’t seen any such thing! Thus says the Lord Eternal, Woe to the foolish prophets, they’re following their own spirit Oh Israel your prophets are like the foxes in the deserts. Very sly, and cunning and tricky. You have NOT gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel. In other words you prophets aren’t crying aloud and showing people their sins and their mistakes and why God will is going to allow them to be brought down. You Prophets are False Prophets. And You; You haven’t shown the people the Gaps the; You haven’t made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the Day of the Eternal. So notice when He’s talking about! down in our day! He’s not talking about back in his time. Either with Judah or the Ten northern Tribes, he’s talking about prophets in the last days, who are trying to say WHY all this isn’t gonna happen there’s going to be plenty of time yet. They keep putting WAY off. The definite happening of what’s going to come. You know somebody asked Billy Graham if he thought Christ might come back at anytime and he said well might be Christ could come back in the next week or the next month But on the other hand He might not come back for another thousand years! Is that putting way off the day? A Thousand years! Ok he goes onto say, you notice when, when we as God’s people try to show the gaps , we try to show the breaks in the hedge, Nobody listens! Nobody believes it! And then along comes these other prophets and they fill in these gaps and these hedges! THEY have seen Vanity and Lying divination saying the Eternal says and the Eternal has not sent them! Well you know some of them say the Bible says! The Bible says! they never really turns and reads it to you just always tells you what it says! They have seen vanity. They say the Eternal Says And the Eternal haven’t sent them! They’re not Apostles, they haven’t been sent! They’ve made others to hope that they would confirm the word! So a lot of people that might tend to listen and wake up and believe yet slip the spiritual sleeping pill and they’ve made others to hope that they would confirm the word! That they can really bring to pass what they say is gonna happen contrary to what we’re warning! Have you not seen a vain vision? Haven’t you spoke a lying divination? Wherein you say the Eternal Says howbeit I have not spoken. But they don’t get what they’re saying God has said out of the Bible. Therefore thus says the Lord Eternal Because you have spoken vanity and seen lies Therefore behold I am against you! Says the Lord Eternal! And My hand shall be upon the prophets that sees vanity and that divine lies! They will not be in the assembly of my people neither shall they be written in the writing of the House of Israel. Of course back in the law in Deuteronomy 13 It said if a false prophet arises and foretells something and even if something he foretells happens but he is trying to lead you away from God’s law, they were to be stoned! they were to be shut out of the assembly and out of the rolls or the records. And that’s what he’s saying here. Backing up the Law. God’s hand would do what he told Israel to do against a lying prophet. God’s hand would be upon the prophets that sees Vanity and that divine lies! they’re not going to be numbered in the assembly of God’s people! They’re not going to be written in the register of the House of Israel. Neither shall they enter in the Land of Israel and you shall know that I am the Lord Eternal! So notice again when all these wrong preachers and wrong prophets are dealt with then other people come to know that God is the Eternal So that’s a key phrase if you notice the time setting where it’s always used! Now notice what lies these false prophets use. Because yes even because they’ve seduced my people! So the people of Israel are the ones who is seduced by these false prophets and they’re seduced by saying “Peace”! There’s NO Peace! Saying no this isn’t going to happen to you, you’re the Christian world! One built up a wall and this apparently was talking about the Great False Prophet! it’s singular “ONE”! ONE built up a wall and lo others daubed it. So the ONE founded the false system and then others have come along since it and added it since and added to it! And maybe added all kind of things to it! You know when the first one came along he didn’t have Christmas , he didn’t have easter. he just had a lot of pagan ideas about immortal souls and ever burning hells and going to heaven. So One built up a wall and then lo here come others later that add to it so you’ve got progressive revelation you know you’ve got progressive Truth! And now others come along and they add Christmas and easter and matchbook conception and all kinds of doctrines later. So it is very plainly zeroing in it says ONE! The emphasis is on that ONE. He the One! built up a wall. Others just built on that false foundation and added to it. And that’s how that whole so called Christian system developed.” Ezekiel 02 By Dean Blackwell
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:28:39 +0000

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