Have something on my mind this afternoon and I`d like to put it - TopicsExpress


Have something on my mind this afternoon and I`d like to put it out there for people to read....A lot of times you will see people come across your newsfeed with a simple Bible verse...or a religious saying...or giving thanks.....this invokes different reactions..some like it....some think it is a face value way of Glorifying....some think wow...there they are with their Bible verse again....their Facebook religion...letting the whole world know what a good person they are...aka, trying to get attention....(to clear this from anyones minds going forward...none of this has happened to me so the post is not spurring from that...I just had it on my mind and wanted to share my thoughts, because I can lol!)...but I would like to add another perspective on why this may be happening and what you can take from it....what everyone can take from it. There are some people who really spend time building a relationship with God...they do it and practice it daily and take joy in it. Those people (not everyone, I am not saying that all of those types mentioned above do not exist, but I am referring to a select group).. who have really taken the time, every day, to have a relationship with God...the people who seem to worry less, always have a positive outlook, just in general like to talk about how Great God Is....those people are like that for a reason..once you delve enough into the Bible..once you get a hunger to not only be blessed, but also a hunger to learn...you want to study more into it...you want to read the Bible and find out where the washed over, dumbed down sayings come from...you crave to know the origin of where these modern language verses come from...(at least I did...but for those of you who know me well...I am a bit of a research freak!)...This reading and studying and thinking about it is something that I do daily, and today it brought me to the Word explaining why , at least as I interpreted it...those people may be so outward about their Faith, and why those of you who get annoyed or pestered by seeing it, should probably just cool your jets and open your eyes a little lol....So...in my Devotional today, a single verse was listed For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.-2 Corinthians 4:17....... this came after a small paragraph about understanding that life is going to throw you curveballs and obstacles and that you should trust in God and walk calmly towards them, because with your focus on God, by the time you actually reach those obstacles, they will be nothing of harm to you, so small that you can skip right over them without fretting...because it is all about the journey and maintaing faith through the parts that will scare you or stress you out (test your faith).....ok....well I wanted to read a little more into what was behind that verse in the Bible and when I did...as I read...it occurred to me to share this with you all, or whoever gets through this long post lol....I am not saying that there are some misguided apples...but sometimes, when you see people outwardly posting positively about how Good God is on their social media....they are not doing that for themselves...they are doing that as a way to Glorify God...because it says to do so in 2 Corinthians...it is so easy for people to seek out religion when they are hurt or stressed or in a predicament, because they are seeking comfort, or understanding, or help to cope....but it is so much more fun when people seek out religion simply to walk with a purpose and live a worry free life! Those are the people that you see that actually give off an enlightened vibe! And when they post onto Facebook, they are doing that for God and YOU...not themselves....they are putting it out there - that they have a deeper understanding of the Word and that they understand it and know how to apply it, and if not, they can at least hold your hand and walk with you to learn how to apply it to your own life....it is almost like extending a hand...so that when you need something, or you are troubled, or hurt, or stressed, or just seeking something MORE PURPOSEFUL....you think of those people who are always posting religious things and wonder.....I wonder if they really know, or if they really could help?...I would encourage you to ask them and see if they cannot give you comfort, and take joy in doing so....we learn in Pre-K that There is no such thing as a stupid question...and asking for help, even from a stranger, is never stupid. That is what we are all here for...to help each other....No one has it all figured out and I would encourage you to reach out to your friends....don`t feel embarrassed or like it would not be accepted well....know in your heart that if you make that extension of love and support, even if it is not accepted right then....there will come a time when that person will need someone and you will be who comes to mind...then you will be able to really help with a purpose...don`t follow the trends of actually considering the fact that you, as a simple human, without any help from your Creator...might actually have it all together haha! That is ridiculous! ....If I could have my wish, I would wish that the Bible make a comeback, that it be the best selling book series in 2015! But, for now...I will just share what I read a minute ago, that spurred this long post...And for those of you who feel inward negative feelings when you see someone posting about religion...think about this, and instead of hate on that person...make a mental note, that that is a person that you can call on when you need help...whether you know them or not....the verses are from 2 Corinthians...beginning with 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.4.In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.5.For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus` sake.6.For God, who commanded the light to shine out of the darkness, hath shined on our hearts, to GIVE the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.7. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, not of us.8.We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;9. Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.....17. For our light affliction, which is for but a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory; 18.While we look not at things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are not seen ARE eternal......All of that was behind the one verse in my Devotional....I encourage you who are still reading this to accept and call on those who you see posting about their religion, encourage them and use them...for God really has peppered our world with people who have sought out and received his Word into their hearts. And the main Purpose of that is so that we can go forward and share that with people who dont know about it, or havent felt it yet, or are seeking it...that is the whole purpose!! It isnt stupid...it isnt embarrassing...and it isnt not cool....trust me.....I`m incredibly cool and I think that it is amazing and awesome and it will sweep you right off your feet regardless of how firmly you have your feet planted! And for the younger people, who I commend if you are still reading....I would make a different suggestion for you...the younger generations have been brought up with a constant INPUT...constant choice....so many choices that they find it hard to even make a choice because they are surrounded by so many....while I think a lot of that input has backfired, it has certainly given the younger generations a vast amount of ABILITY TO LEARN, ability to intake and process information...the younger generation has a capability more than most of us can comprehend without getting a headache...but because of that, their direction, drive, and motivation....their purpose of what to DO with that ability has been underdeveloped...and it leads to you having these young geniuses worming around doing things so wasteful and pointless that you cant even wrap your head around what is going on with them....for this younger generation...I would suggest you getting an OLD BIBLE.....not a Teen study Bible...not one that is in the most modern language because in my opinion, it is a little watered down...and I would couple the older version Bible with a Daily Devotional....if the younger generations could catch the fever of thirsting for knowledge in the book that can give the most purpose, and direction, and perspective than anything else they can accomplish in life...I would give them something that they can stick to...the older Bibles, in my opinion, with the original text versions...give them that challenge, to look up words and meaning, train them to thirst to know more and deeper than face value....don`t water it down and then expect it to hold their focus when they have 34987543753049 other random things pulling at their focus..I really think for those of you with kids, and those younger generations who are reading this...I think you would love it...I think it would be a fountain of knowledge that would strike a hunger inside your heart that you could follow forever...and have the capability to share and explain and teach those around you...learn how to pick others up and why you should WANT to...I see posts all the time about how people are going down the toilet...religion is fading, blah blah blah....teenagers...take your own stand to be more enlightened and have a headstart on life...and parents, take your preteens and your teens and get them a devotional with an original text Bible...turn them on to a thirst for which is better able to help them through life than you are...set them on the right path instead of just shaking your head wondering what the hell are people coming to haha.... I realize I have rambled...but, it`s Facebook....and I am allowed to!....Maybe I will start a blog or something haha! That is all, Happy Sunday everyone....and for those of you who can drive....go get an older version Bible, couple it with a Daily Devotional....you want to know what you are doing here in the first place?...Use your smarts....and go look it up ;) Sincerely, Crystal B,
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:39:11 +0000

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