Have you allowed yourself to become distracted? Facebook - TopicsExpress


Have you allowed yourself to become distracted? Facebook -Farmville - Ebola - Iraq - Ferguson ORCHESTRATED DISTRACTIONS! Meanwhile…the current President (playing golf) is getting ready to use an executive order to legalize thousands of illegal aliens in our Republic. Congress knows he has committed treason. The Supreme Court knows he has committed treason. The military knows he has committed treason. NO one is acting upon his treason. Have you asked yourself why? You see folks your government needs you to be distracted. They know the clock is up. They cannot continue to keep the illusion going much longer. 1. Working Americans are providing services to illegal aliens and non-working Americans which are better than what they can afford as a working person. Think about this folks…one can go on unemployment and get free food, free cable, free insurance, free education. While a working person is taxed at 65% of their income to pay for it! 2. The entire financial / banking system is being supported by paper. It is not real. Do you remember when you used to buy a book or a magazine and the Canadian dollar price was more than the American dollar price? Pick one up today. The dollar is losing value at an alarming pace. Russia and China are no longer using American dollars. The American currency is about to default. All of these “crisis’” that you have seen for the last ten years were orchestrated to fleece each and every one of us…and we let it happen. 3. The government is almost ready to take total control of your life. They need you distracted for just a while longer while the final pieces of the puzzle are put into place. It is no accident that military vehicles are in our cities and towns. It is no accident that the police have been militarized at the bribes of the government. Think about it... The government wants you to believe that a group of Tea Party people who support the Constitution and our Republic are the criminals. How can your government, which was created by the Constitution, be against a group of people who support it? Your government is no longer yours! I have asked each of you for many years now to get ready. I have asked you to prepare to defend your family, to prepare to feed your family, to prepare to educate your family on what is really taking place in this Republic. The day that many of you laughed about, mocked, that you claimed would never happen, is very nearly to occur. The new jobless rate last week was 311,000. The gold “reserves” which we have used to cover our nations’ debt and allow us to make loans…is gone and replaced by paper. NO nation on this planet is buying our nations’ debt any longer. We owe gold to nearly all of Europe and many other nations in the world. The deliberate hyperinflation of the dollar which has been underway is now beginning to show its dramatic effect. Ground beef is up 6% this year. Sugar is up 13%. This means that your dollar is losing its value exponentially now. (To the power of 10!) In 2002 you could purchase a pound of very good ground beef for $3.32 per pound. That very same beef today will cost you $5.02. Your dollar has lost 34% of its value! In 2002 you could purchase a gallon of gasoline for $1.34. Today $3.64….a 42% loss in value of the dollar. 83% of that loss has occurred in the last three years! At this rate in less than four years it will take seven (7) times the amount of dollars to purchase the very same item. Think about it…and let it sink in…$9.66 for a 20 ounce bottle of Pepsi. The inflation adjusted average income for an American family in 2002 was $55,320. Today it is $48, 731! …and your tax rate has nearly doubled! You are working for the government and they are robbing your blind! At this rate, in five years it will be as if you are only earning $34,000! We are on the threshold of an all out civil war. Those who are working are starting to see how well we are providing for those who have chosen not to work. Those of us who are working are starting to see how much those in Government have stolen from us. Those of us who are working are tired of bad politicians, bad cops, and bad neighbors getting away with what is clearly crime..while we are held to account like little slaves. The government has tried to kill the middle class…and we almost let them do it. The middle class is getting ready to rise again and become the ruling class. You had better get ready for a REVOLUTION folks…and you better decide which side you want to be on. It has already started and if you listen closely you can hear the echoes of it coming even today.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 22:46:38 +0000

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