He Knows His Duty Eko varńo bahudhá shakti yogád Varńánekán - TopicsExpress


He Knows His Duty Eko varńo bahudhá shakti yogád Varńánekán nihitártho dadháti Vicaeti cánta vishvamádao sa deva Sa no budhyá shubhayá saḿyunaktu. The Creator is a singular Entity, and He creates this world of colours, this world of sounds; but He Himself is beyond the scope of colours and sounds. Why is He beyond the scope of colours and sounds? Because He’s the hub of the Universe. All waves of colours, of sounds, and of other inferences come out form this universal hub. So, He Himself is beyond the scope of all such waves. This circumrotatory Universe is moving around Him, but he is beyond the scope of time, space, and person. He is creating so many things, so many colours, so many sounds, with the help of His Operative Principle. This Operative principle is doing as per His desires. The Operative principle, although it has the potentiality to do something or to do anything and everything, cannot do anything without His approval, because He is the hub and all waves emanate from Him. His approval is a must in this respect. That is, if He doesn’t like, not even a blade of grass can move. Each and every intelligent man and each and every spiritual aspirant should remember this fact. And one who remembers this fact, that not a single blade of grass can move without His approval, won’t be suffering from any sort of fear complex or defeat complex. One day I told you that the scriptures have no moral right to create an inferiority complex or fear complex in your mind. Parama Puruśa is above all scriptures. Man created scriptures just to come in contact with Parama Puruśa, but the scriptures, creating inferiority and fear and hatred complexes among men, drifted men away from the Supreme hub. Now this Supreme Creator, this hub of the Universe, is the Supreme Guardian. He knows what is your want, He knows what is your requirement. A babe of three months doesn’t know what its requirement is, but its mother knows. The babe is solely dependent on the mother. Similarly, you are a babe and He is the Supreme Guardian. He knows what your requirement is. You needn’t say, “Oh, God, give me food, give me water, give me this or give me that.” Let Him do His duty. You needn’t remind Him, “Oh, God, it is Your duty, You should have done like this.” He knows His duty. And you are to learn your duty form Him. Now what should you do? What a good man should do, what an intelligent man is to do, what a spiritual aspirant to do, is always to remember his loving Father. And this is what meditation is. Why should he always remember his loving Father? Because he will have to keep in the closest psychic and spiritual touch with the Supreme, because He is the Supreme abode of all. And finally one will have to sit on His lap. That is the final Desideratum. “Vicaeti cánta vishvamádao sa deva.” That Supreme Deva, that Supreme Divine entity, is the starting point of the Universe, and that Supreme Entity is the culminating point of the Universe. So your starting point is in Him, your terminating point is in Him, and your presence, your existence, is also in Him So you should always remember Him. And you know, the Cosmic Father is the Supreme Subjectivity; that is, He sees everything – everything is within His mind. He sees everything. He is the Supreme Subject, and everything else is the object. The seer is the subject and the seen is the object, so how can you accept Him as your object of meditation? He is the subject, you are the object. So during meditation how can you accept Him as your object? He is the Subject. You are the object. A very knotty question? No, it is not at all a knotty question. During meditation you should remember, “I am the object and He is seeing me.” This is the secret of meditation. You can never be the subject and He can never be the object. During meditation you are to remember this fundamental truth – that you are doing His meditation. How? You are remembering the fact that the Supreme Subjectivity, Parama Puruśa, is seeing what you are doing. This is the secret. Vicaeti cánta vishvamádao sa deva Sa no budhyá subhayá saḿyunaktu. And if you are to say anything you should say – what? You may use only one sentence. “O Supreme Father, guide my intellect unto the path of bliss. I want nothing else, nothing more.” 12 May 1979 Morning, Fiesch, Switzerland Published in: Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12 Bábá in Fiesch
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 06:24:42 +0000

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