Hell. For those of you who follow my writings, you know I have - TopicsExpress


Hell. For those of you who follow my writings, you know I have been studying “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” for the last 4 months. From my articles, you know I found getting wisdom from fear to be a little bit bizarre but I went with it. After I got through that then it became obvious that the ultimate fear is fear of hell and so I began to explore. That also produced some bizarre results. Here is a recap of those conclusions. Death comes to us all and none of us die the same. But Jesus says not to worry about this death; it is just sleep. He is very specific to point out that the “second” death is one we should be concerned. This death is very bizarre. We all die exactly the same; Jesus kills us. The first death is about death of the body but not death of the soul. The second death is about death of the body and soul. This means when we die the first time that we are not truly dead. It the resurrection we are given a new body with the old soul. The destruction of hell is not given a time frame but hell is eternal and our destruction is not. To view hell as a place of torment is inappropriate; it is merely a disposal ground for those who reject and disobey the personal teaching of Jesus Christ. The fear of the Lord brings all the elements together. Being afraid of Jesus can make you wise. Understanding that Jesus is the only one who can put you in hell, places Jesus in a whole new position. He is called Lord, master, savior, teacher, and now executioner. But how does fear make you wise? We have more than one mind. The first mind is the mammal mind and for most of us it is simply a huge memory bank. The second mind is the reptile mind or what religions call the heart. This mind is extremely stupid but very fast. Think of it as a high speed processor. All morality is incorporated into the mammal mind and none in the reptile mind. The closest thing to morality for the reptile is hate, love, desire, lust, anger, and greed. These things are the way most people make decisions. If you question them about their acts or decisions they will just say, “I like it” and not offer any other explanation. 100% of Jesus teaching is about getting a handle upon the reptile mind and making rational decisions. Doing this activity will make you wise. If you examine any school system, they do exactly that but fail to confront the insanity of the reptile mind. That is why there are highly educated people who can do horribly stupid things. Their stupidity will be confined to emotional issues but in their field of endeavor they will be expert and make excellent decisions. In my study of decision making elements, I realized there is another thing that the heart does that is wrong. A mistake occurs when we don’t have enough information. But can also happen when we do incorrect logic. There is one other area that accounts for problems and that is priorities. The heart tends to assign priorities to everything and these assignments can be a nightmare that leads to horrible decisions. This turns out to be a huge section of Jesus teaching. Getting all the facts and following the correct logic is pretty much a mammal function and can be done with zero emotions but assigning a priority seems to be totally reptile. That is why we can have a huge gap between what we know is right and doing what is right. Fun seems to be the biggest priority for the reptile while it avoids boring. If you have an education, then you have already confronted those issues and made changes. The gap between knowing right but doing something else never really goes away. We can attempt to narrow this area but society has some very big things to say about it. A culture can be defined by how it treats this area of knowledge. There are huge areas of knowledge that people have that are unproven but seem to be true. All religions are in this category. What we actually do and how we act is usually well defined and our belief system is a good match. But for most of us we have huge areas where we take other people’s word on the matter. While we may be good drivers, we may have no knowledge of how to repair the vehicle we drive. We have to take the car to someone we trust for repairs when necessary. If we get ripped off, then we tend to learn about auto repairs and have a better belief system more in harmony with out actions. In this gap is what Jesus calls hypocrisy and paul calls grace. A good belief system tries to totally eliminate all gaps and especially “blind” faith or “blind” trust or “blind” belief. These three things can be very useful to satan and of very little us to follow God. We all start off with a blank belief system and our life is determined by how we fill in the gaps. I have worked four months to grasp “fear of the Lord”. Why does knowledge come so slowly? Everything is set up just the opposite of what we think. For instance, we trust everyone until someone lies to us then we become more selective about whom we trust. There is a deceiver in this world and he does a fantastic job. All truth is based upon lies and all belief is based upon doubt. The definition of truth (in Greek) is “not a lie”. The deception, lies, and doubt never ends even in eternity. In this article Jesus becomes the only person in the universe who is a true murderer and he does it because you do not follow his personal teaching and for no other reason. Do you wish to live forever? Then you are going to have to follow his personal teaching. Does that irk you? Do you find that repulsive? Does it scare you? The way is narrow and few there be that find it. Just by reading this article you will be judged differently and more harshly. I have presented you with the truth but satan will distort it and pervert it and you will not get “it”.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 13:21:09 +0000

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