Hello. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. Fall is in - TopicsExpress


Hello. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. Fall is in the air and peoples thoughts turn to Football and Pumpkin Spice and piles of leaves.....soon will come Thanksgiving and then Christmas. During this magical (and my personal favorite) time of year, this year something is different for me and my family. Someone has been lost, someone is missing, someone is gone...its a sadness that permeates each and every day. As many of you know, back in August my niece was murdered in Panama City, FL by a man that she trusted. I wont go into the horrific details of her life-ending injuries nor will I go into the details of the case against the perpetrator because that in itself will be a long and bumpy ride for our family. Currently the prospect of charges, trials and juries are secondary to the imminent needs at hand. My sister lost a child. She was unprepared for this tragedy in every way imaginable. Thanks to a generous outpouring of support from many people along with my sister and her husband exhausting their line of credit at their bank we were able to have a wonderful funeral for Jessica Huey. She was buried in a beautiful casket in her favorite shade of green. The funeral home requires some things be paid in full up front in order to hold a service and burial and thankfully we were able to cover those costs. There is still a $7000.00 debt owed to the funeral home of which they are willing to allow payments over time. But there is one last thing that has to be paid for in full up front......a headstone. Right now Jessicas grave is still fresh and without a headstone. My Sister does not do social media. Shes always had a low opinion of it; however the response to this tragedy and seeing how powerful it can be has changed her mind a little. Shes not ready to get on board yet so I am speaking on her behalf. Im so grateful to everyone who has donated, shared, or otherwise offered support to our family in the face of this unimaginable tragedy. We want to extend the utmost gratitude to everyone who helped with the initial costs for Jessicas service and burial and also anyone who has contributed to the separate fund set up for Jessicas children (funds from this account WILL NOT be used towards Jessicas burial expenses - it is set aside specifically to help her children). So we are asking for help once again. I dont want to see this tragedy put my sister into a financially precarious situation, I dont want to see my nieces grave devoid of a headstone. Nobody expects this type of thing to happen to their family. The grief from losing a loved one to violence shouldnt be compounded by financial strain. I wouldnt wish this upon anyone but I want to say here and now that if this ever did happen to anyone I know or anyone in the #Glambert community I will be the first one to help in every way that I possibly can. Please take a moment to look at the new site my Sister has created and share it on all your social media platforms and PLEASE if you can make a donation, no amount is too small. In working with the various charities that #Glamberts have funded over the years I know first hand how much a difference can be made with many people coming together and donating what they can and spreading the word. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. Domestic violence is a public safety crisis in this country. It is estimated that 3 women are killed in #domesticviolence situations every day in the United States. Stephanie youcaring/memorial-fundraiser/justice-for-jessica-/239956 Jessicas Children Memorial Fund https://facebook/JessicaHueyBoys
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 18:32:42 +0000

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