Hello Ladies & Gents,How are we this lovely afternoon.Iam back.Now - TopicsExpress


Hello Ladies & Gents,How are we this lovely afternoon.Iam back.Now I will tell you all what got me spooked I was working on an article and I must say the article I let it get it to me.I must say never visit this godforsaken place it has its ways to break anyone.I was working and I will advise you all just read it and dont let it get into your head.Now Ghost towns and villages hold a charm very different from the ruins of castles and fortresses, mostly because they give us a chance to peep right into the lives of the people who once inhabited them.I shall share with you all about an Place which I was working and which got me scared.So letstake an looksie shall we.I Give You All........... Legendary Kuldhara :- Kuldhara story is one of the weirdest story I had hear so I thought to dig more and know more & I lost my head.One thing always happens whoso ever goes it An old man dressed in white, sporting a long flowing grey beard surfaces out of nowhere, looking almost like an apparition himself. He had an ageless feel about him .The wrinkles around his face and his sunken eyes seemed to tell a story of their own, but he was more interested in narrating the tale of the Paliwal Brahmins who used to live here in the 18th century.Out of nowhere he appears and while ending is narration he says The silence here is not comforting . And then the voice of the old man floated in the air .“No one knew anything about them, some say they came from Pali in Jodhpur, some say they went back to Pali but only their souls now rest in Kuldhara .”Lying 17km west of Jaisalmer, Kuldhara has a story. Some 300 years ago, it used to be a prosperous village of Paliwal Brahmins under the state of Jaisalmer. Origins :- One theory suggests that Pali was a small kingdom in the Thar desert of India, which the inhabitants turned into an oasis. At some point in the 13th century, in response to what they viewed as tyrannical behavior by the King of Pali, they migrated to the area of Kuldhara in the state currently known as Jaisalmer. Their origin was identified by the appellation Paliwal. It is said that each new Paliwal family was welcomed into the 84 villages around Kuldhara with a brick and a gold coin from every other family in the village. The brick was used in building of a house and the gold was used to start a business or a farm. As the communitys prosperity was rebuilt, it became the target of Mughal invasions. In the 18th century, there is said to have been a raid which resulted in the poisoning of their wells from animal carcasses resulting in this Brahmin migration of community from the Kuldhara area. Exact details of Kuldhara :- About 15 Km. west of Jaisalmer a city in western Rajasthan lies the ruins of a village which was called Kuldhara. The first sight of Kuldhara village, more a town actually, sends one imagination running to the time it may have been inhabited. A well planned settlement, the straight and wide streets ran in grids with houses opening into them. All design elements kept both aesthetics and utility in mind. A kind of a garage opened into the streets to park carts in. Temples, step wells and other structures were all signs of sound development over the centuries. Kuldhara was the name of the largest village in this community consisting of 84 villages.The village was established in 1291 by the Paliwal Brahmins and was a rather prosperous community due to their ability to grow bumper crops in the rather arid desert. Paliwal bhramins were a very prosperous clan and were known for their business acumen and agricultural knowledge. But one night in 1825 all the people in Kuldhara and nearby 83 villages vanished in dark. Why did the villagers decide to leave their settlement after having lived there for more that 7 centuries. History of Kuldhara :- Set 300 years ago, it was the story of a community who had vanished overnight, leaving behind a ghost village to narrate their tale. A haunted trail to a village called Kuldhara near Jaisalmer. Once Kuldhara was home to more than 1500 people. Suddenly one night the entire population of this village disappeared No one is sure where they have gone, but they are believed to have migrated to a place somewhere near Jodhpur.Some say that the ruler Salim Singh of these villages pounded the Paliwals with heavy taxes and treated them very inhumanly; the ruler was unethical and forceful to them.Another story suggests the ruler apparently set his eyes on one of the girls in the community, possibly the Chief’s daughter . The Paliwals were given no choice in the matter and they had just a day to accept his proposal. Overcome by remorse and in desperation, the entire community left their homes and hearths behind, cursing the king and escaped in the death of the night .Instead of submitting to the order of the tyrant, the Paliwals held a council and people of 85 villages left their ancestral homes and vanished. But this was not all; before leaving, they put a curse on Kuldhara that no one will ever be able to settle in their village thereafter. To this date, the village remains barren; left almost the same as its inhabitants had left it centuries ago. It is also said that people who have tried to stay there at night have been chased away by strange paranormal phenomenon.Fearing that in the absence of chief, other people of village may become victim of Diwan’s anger, the entire village decided to disappear overnight. They only took some of the valuable items and left the village in dark. Nobody knows where they went but it is believed that they settled near Jodhpur another city in western Rajasthan. Though nobody knows exactly how they did it, everybody in all of the 84 villages completely disappeared that very night. Nobody saw them leave or figured out where they went – they simply vanished. It is believed that they cast a curse over the village as they departed that would bring death to anyone who tried to inhabit the land. It is likely that this is the reason why so much of the ancient village still remains (though mostly in rubble, but not stripped for materials). The crumbling brick structures span out towards all directions and a ghostly silence is all that lives on there. There are still some double storeyed houses that are intact and the awestruck tourist can well visualize how life went on in Kuldhara, ages ago. Today the ruins of these villages can still be seen in western Rajasthan and are now tourist sites. The government today maintains the ruins as a heritage site. A walk through the village is akin to wandering onto the sets of a ghost movie. Only, this one is for real. Any one who is planning a visit to Jaisalmer should keep aside a few hours to catch this haunted setting in the eerie desert backdrop.When the Paliwals left the villages, they left a curse that nobody can inhabit the villages ever. Residents of Jaisalmer say that there have been some attempts by some families to stay there, but they did not succeed.Since then, this village has become a ghost town. Nobody has dared to live here. Whoever tried, suffer a brutal death.The houses made out of sandstones have become a tourist attraction. Several of these houses have been restored by Rajasthan Tourism.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 08:40:05 +0000

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