Hello Sitka Chatters! The other day I needed to go to the store to - TopicsExpress


Hello Sitka Chatters! The other day I needed to go to the store to get a few household items. I loaded up my two kids (and when I say kids I mean my dogs) and drove off to Sea Mart. When I arrived I parked my car and started to walk into the store. As I neared the main entrance I saw a beautiful little English Bull. She was tied to a bench on a two foot leash shivering and crying. As I came up to say hello to her I noticed that she was tied so short she was sitting in a puddle of her own urine unable to get to a dry spot. The first thing I did was go get a manager and tell them about her. It was then that I was told she had been there for over two hours! As the manager went through the store trying to locate the owner I bought a small blanket to wrap her up while she waited for her owner to come claim her. I was very impressed with the staff at sea mart, not only did they take the blanket I got and wrap the little dear up, they brought her treats and had someone with her the whole time until she could be taken home. Now this is a short little story with a good ending, so why am I sharing this? Because I was so out raged that someone would leave a dog tied up for over two hours in the cold and in her own filth. Why didnt anyone notice her sooner? Surly people must have walked past her and saw her whole little body shivering. Now I know that I am that crazy dog lady that believes her dogs are her children and buys them clothes and lets them sleep in the bed, but come on people! A two foot leash, under 50? Would you be sitting in your underwear on a bench for two hours in below 50 weather? Of course not! So dont make your dog do it! If its not something you would want to do it is safe to assume your dog wouldnt like it either. I shudder to think what would have happened if I would not have said anything, how long would that poor dog have been left there before someone would have the nerve to say something? Please people have the nerve, the sense, and kindness to notice little things like a cold dog left outside a establishment. Sitka is a known dog loving town, lets own it people! Speak up for those who dont have a voice. Thank you!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:07:50 +0000

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