Hello! Yesterday it was sunny and i was enjoying talking to people - TopicsExpress


Hello! Yesterday it was sunny and i was enjoying talking to people as I was putting signs out, and today, I am watching it snow!! Oh Missouri weather....I am ready for Spring!!! Today I wanted to talk about the public comment policy. My experience with the public comment policy started when I wanted to address the board concerning Sean Kirksey. I thought that as a tax payer and a citizen of the district, the board would want to hear from me since they were, in theory, representing me. So, I emailed Dr. Hadfield and called Chris McElyea to discuss my options. I was told that I could NOT talk to the board about employees. I thought that was wrong! If I wanted to come and read a letter about a teacher that went above and beyond, they would let me do that, but I couldnt say that I thought Sean went above and beyond? My real question was WHY??? So, Dr. Hadfield had someone from the Missouri School Board Association (MSBA) to come in to talk about public comment. I was at that meeting. Her main point was that we MIGHT be sued if we allowed public comment about a staff member. Now, this has NEVER happened, but since it MIGHT, we should shut off all public comment unless the person wanting to speak follows some very controlled rules?!? Here is the thing about speaking in front of the board: You have all 7 members there and everyone will hear the same words. If you go meet each individual, sometimes different things are said to different people, therefore causing a bigger problem in my opinion. When you are on a Board of Education making sometimes tough decisions, it is not always going to be happy and fun. But, we need to have ALL the input to make a good decision, and that includes the input from the people!! After the MSBA came, Selynn Barbour made the motion and Jackie Schulte seconded the motion to approve the wording recommended by the MSBA that says 7. Only items from the posted agenda may be discussed. If an individual seeks to address an issue that is scheduled to be discussed by the Board in closed session, the Board may require the person to hold his or her comments until closed session. 8. The Board may vote to suspend or amend these rules in extraordinary circumstances. The Board may impose additional rules as it deems necessary and reserves the right to alter the above rules depending on the circumstances. The Board reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or delay the public comment period at any time or delay comment on a particular topic. The Board may refuse to hear comments on a particular topic if advised to do so by legal counsel. Who decides the agenda? Under normal circumstances, the superintendent and the board president decide what is going to be on the agenda, and decide what WONT be on the agenda. Public comment is about the public being able to speak. I do not think that in order to talk, you have to get the approval of the superintendent. Being able to discuss things with the board should be a right, not something I have to go through a gatekeeper to get accomplished. THIS IS THE MAIN POINT I WANT YOU TO HEAR: In order for you to talk about an issue to the board, your issue MUST be on the agenda. In order to be on the agenda, you have to ask at least 7 days in advance and get approval. The board does not have to allow your agenda item on the agenda. WHY is someone allowed to dictate what the people can say to their own board?!?!? Here is how that policy did not apply when I was wanting to talk about Sean. The Board was already making the decision concerning Sean. What good would it do to go talk to anyone other than the Board? Why didnt they want my input? Why wouldnt they want to hear from someone who had nothing but great experiences with an employee whose fate they were deciding? Do I believe that there should be procedures in place for complaints? Of course! The Board cannot deal with every issue that is brought up in every building every day. I understand that. But, I do feel the board has a responsibility to listen to the people. I do not think they should hide behind a policy in hopes of trying to avoid an issue. Sometimes the board might have to listen to something that might be a bit uncomfortable. For example, I was at a meeting once when someone wrote a letter that was talking about Laura Martin in a disapproving manner. Laura sat and listened to the entire letter. No one stopped this person from saying what she had to say about Laura. If we are going to allow some not so warm and fuzzy comments to be made, why cant we comment positively about someone?!?! Being on the board is not always going to be easy, nor is it always going to be fun. Sometimes it might be down right uncomfortable. But, we have been elected to do the will of the PEOPLE. Shouldnt the board be willing to HEAR the people? I think it is important that the voters know where everyone stands on these types of issues. After all, the board is representing YOU! All my respect, Mindi
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:34:17 +0000

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